TCD Season 2: Let's Get Crazy

Written by Jeff Reed | Sep 10, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Make no mistake, we’ve been doing digital ministry for a while now… like decades. With THECHURCH.DIGITAL, you are not getting someone who pivoted to a digital mindset recently. The idea of making disciples digitally is not a new concept to us, and we love helping churches and organizations better understand digital church concepts. We've been talking crazy for a long time now, and we're not stopping anytime soon.

THECHURCH.DIGITAL is launching into its next ministry season, Season 2. For the past twenty years of ministry, Jeff and the TCD team have championed the cause of digital church, trying to convince churches to adopt a digital church strategy. The posture has been that of education as the majority of churches had not caught a vision for what digital can be. The focus of TCD in the past has been to change the mind of the pastor who does not believe in digital. It’s been a long, hard, twenty year journey.

COVID changes everything, and March 2020 saw hundreds of thousands of churches quickly adopt a digital strategy. Did they learn lessons? Did they understand the "why of digital ministry? The strengths and weaknesses? Or was digital a stop-gap, a temporary solution until those buildings could open back up?

The majority of churches missed the “why” of church online in the COVID season. They didn’t see the multiplication potential of digital discipleship. And, to be honest and humble both at the same time, if a global pandemic is not going to convince you of the need of digital church, I’m not sure what I can do different.

So, THECHURCH.DIGITAL is launching Season 2. In this new season we’re highlighting the innovators, the disciplers, the vendors, the planters. After twenty years of trying to convince skeptic pastors of the power of digital, highlighted by the past 18 months of COVID, I’ve discovered that there’s enough out there that do believe, that are seeing God move, that I don’t need to convince anymore. Let’s go with the goers, the innovators, the "crazies" and tell their stories. My prayer for you, skeptic pastor, is that you will look and see where God is moving through these "crazy" churches, and pray about joining Him in his work.

So join me for Season 2 at THECHURCH.DIGITAL, as our podcasts, our streams, our blogs move to focus more on how God is moving among his people in new ways, digitally. Evidently crazy loves crazy.

Love you all! Praying for your Churches and your Ministry Online.

Steadfast in Christ,

Jeff Reed
Stadia Church Planting

The Church Digital Podcast, Season Two kicks off Monday, September 13, 2021. Subscribe through your favorite podcast application, or watch the video on-demand on YouTube.