2020 was eventful for churches, thank you very much COVID. As churches across America were forced to move their ministry digital, THECHURCH.DIGITAL spent the year helping churches like yours develop digital strategies for ministry. We saw our our podcast listenership increase almost 500%, and our blog readership expand at times over 1,000% percent. Through the hundreds of blogs, podcasts, live streams, webinars, and other resources, we've been able to help thousands of churches this year.
We already celebrated the Favorite 6 Podcasts of 2020. Let's take a moment here and recap the Top 10 Blogs of 2020 on THECHURCH.DIGITAL. Looking at views, of course.
1) Five Lessons I Learned from a COVID-19 Spike at our Church. - Derek Allen's heartfelt article on his experience leading a Church in the midst of a spike as a result of his church meeting.
2) Six Things Your Church Needs to Know About TikTok - Don't know what TikTok is? Is your Church ready for TikTok? You should probably read Jessica Spivey's blog to get in the know.
3) Church Online in 2020: An Effective Online Pastor Job Profile - An article written before COVID struck, this blog suddenly became very relevant as church leaders everywhere suddenly started asking "How do I staff this thing?"
4) Coronavirus & Simple Setups to Live Stream Church Services - Guest written by the team over at RESI (formerly Living As One), this article was a necessary resource in those early months when churches were scrambling to figure out how to broadcast services.
5) The Opportunity When the Church LEFT the Building - The team behind VOMO wrote an excellent article detailing how the church should never be about the building, and some practical ways it can move beyond the four walls... even after COVID.
6) Streaming Instagram Live Church Services - What does it look like to stream church services on Instagram? Rey De Armas tells the story of how his church, Christ Fellowship Miami, experimented with options and what were the results.
7) Online Church Attendance Numbers... Who Cares? - What do all these stats and analytics mean, anyway? Joey Santos give you practical insight on how to read and interpret all these digital stats and get true meaning behind your online broadcasts.
8) The Church Needs New Wineskins for the New Era - The old way of thinking will not work in this new Mid/Post-COVID era. So, how should we think? Is it even okay to think differently? Jason Morris details how this is not the end, but the awakening, of the church.
9) Eight Ways to Share the Gospel during the Coronavirus - In COVID, it was very easy to lose sight on Evangelism. Even heading into 2021, evangelism and disciple-making need a fresh outlook in order to be effective today. Ricky Bailey shares insight from the front lines on how to be the church, outside the building, in the midst of a pandemic.
10) Church Online Chat Host Best Practices - You want my volunteers to do what? Few churches understood chat hosts before COVID. Ben Stapley shares some insights on how to train volunteers to be effective online chat hosts.
{{cta('815b9a63-2052-4cd1-b388-b7fab212b3df','justifyright')}}What would it take for your church, in this COVID season, to Thrive, Grow and even Multiply? While churches are struggling physically, can you really turn the corner? At Stadia, we've been helping Churches go Phygital (Physical+Digital). We all understand Physical, but as COVID continues to loom, we need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Digital better. Our Learning Communities have incredible content from leaders of churches across the country. More than content though, Stadia is connecting similar churches together in small hosted communities so you can unpack the content in peers, and even hold each other accountable towards becoming a phygital church. The secret to a successful church is right in front of you.
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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