So, what’s the plan? By now, you and a few other hundred thousand churches in the US and abroad have been forced to stop and RE-THINK the plan or the strategy. You have probably been working up a new strategy on how to…
By now, for some subtly and others overtly, the question may still be remaining: How are we going to fund the ministry in this season? What is the plan or strategy in the area of giving and stewardship while we wait for this season to end? In this blog, I’d like to provide a few practical things you can do TODAY to minimize the loss (we are anticipating everyone to lose something), guard what is present, and prepare for what’s ahead.
Chances are you are bleeding, everyone is. The faster we accept it, the faster we can move forward. This season is the great equalizer for every church, big and small. First, we must recognize that our churches are filled with different types of givers. Folks who give occasionally, regularly, in smaller amounts, and others in larger amounts. In this season, we must recognize that all givers are not created equal…and that’s ok. Everyone has the ability to give, some can give more, others less. If you were to look at your giving data, that is exactly what you would find. There are a handful that are giving much and there are many who give just a little. It’s the 80/20 rule. 20% of the givers, give 80% of the total. Take a deep breath, it’s ok. It’s not just your church, it’s almost every church we have ever served. In light of that, this is a unique time to engage pastorally with the 20 who give the 80. This is a time to minister and lead them.
Remember the words of the Apostle Paul to Pastor Timothy:
1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV) - Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
This is the group, from a dollar amount that…
Shepherding this group well today will be what is best for them as donors; they need to hear from their pastor, as their sense of power and security has slipped dramatically in the last week. They need to be comforted, guided, prayed for, and ministered to. They also need to be invited to trust the Lord with what they do have, be faithful in obedience, be shown how their offerings and gifts are being used in this season, and be thanked appropriately for their giving.
If you have never engaged this group or want to learn how, I would be happy to jump on a zoom call and chat through the unique dynamics of your church and the opportunity ahead, just send me an email at
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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