For the past month, God has set me on a journey. Since resigning my position as Digital Strategist at Christ Fellowship Miami , it has been a thrilling, joyous, tumultuous journey praying and living Proverbs 3. And it's just been 30 days. Feel free to get caught up.
Well, a month in, there is still a lot of unknown. I've had job offers from churches. Good churches. Good positions. But deep down there is this inkling, this urge to say "not yet". Yes, I literally convinced a church to not hire me. And what started as an optional "side hustle" is now the full hustle.
To that end, I am 100% focused on THECHURCH.DIGITAL . Headhunters, I'm off the market. Churches, I'd love to help all of you! Support has been phenomenal. Churches have been very receptive, and we are already signing long-term contracts as well as performing short-term audits for churches... essentially helping churches figure out ministry in the digital, technological, and online environment. Surprisingly, strategic partnerships are already forming and I am unbelievably excited by what's ahead. ( Hey, want to do me a favor? Introduce me to your Pastor or someone on your church staff. There's a cup of coffee in it for you. )
But I digress... Number one question I get from friends: Aren't you afraid? No guaranteed paycheck? No insurance? Limited leadership support? That's a lot of risk. What's funny is that I should be terrified, but in this time I lean on Proverbs 3... In the face of risk. I have to:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Trust with your passions.
Trust with your calling.
Trust with your life.
I've been reading of Nehemiah lately. I wrote a blog about it but didn't publish it because I didn't want to over-spiritualize the journey I'm on. But I'll say this: Nehemiah felt God's calling to rebuild the wall. Rightfully so! But that task caused massive kickback from Jerusalem's enemies. So much so that Nehemiah 4 tells us that the workers only worked with one hand (the other always stayed on their weapons). Talk about risk. They served God expecting potential death at any moment. Proverbs 3 says "trust God". In light of Nehemiah 4, who am I to question God?
BTW, I am still attending at Christ Fellowship Miami when possible, and you can most likely find me Saturday nights in their Control Room video directing their service. CF has been my church home, and will continue to be so til the Lord says otherwise.
Pray for my business, my family, my walk. Pray that I separate "Trusting God" from "Doing crazy stuff". cause I got this crazy idea that's so insane it just. might. work... Cue Nick Fury's "There was an idea..." speech from Avengers 1. The idea is that good...
God is in control. That being said, what option do I have but to Trust in Him with all my heart, leaning not on my own understanding, submitting to Him with everything I have just so he can straighten my path.
God, help the person out there today who is holding on to situations they can control themselves. Allow them to release control, to submit, to trust implicitly who You are. Do something God-sized in all our lives.
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