Last week I wrote The Vertical Line, or the Day God Slapped Me in the Face . Of course, the slap was more metaphorical than physical, but it hurt nonetheless. If you haven't read that blog post yet take a moment and re-live the moment where God reminded me that I don't know everything.
Sadly, I announced on Facebook yesterday that I have resigned from Christ Fellowship Miami. Having been on staff at CFMiami off and on for 20-some years now, this place has been my spiritual home more than any other. The Mission and Vision of CFMiami is incredible, and it was a phenomenal opportunity to see God move! But as I've blogged through Proverbs 3 earlier, those that truly "Trust the Lord with all [their] heart" will be led to "lean not on [their] own understanding."
So, I left my current job before I have another job.
Loss of Insurance?
For a time.
Career suicide?
Time will tell.
Unable to provide for my family?
Here's what I do know. I don't want to wander in the desert for 40 years.
Proverbs 3 promises if we trust the Lord, if we lean not on our own knowledge, if we acknowledge God in everything... that He will make our path straight . I glossed over that "path straight" line for a while, until a Pastor friend taught me something recently: The shortest point between two dots is a line. Well, that was actually my Geometry Teacher 25 years ago. What my Pastor friend taught me is that the Israelites, who wandered the desert for 40 years due to their disobedience of God, really only walked a 240 mile journey. What would normally take people in that time 11 days took 40 years. That's 6 miles walked per year. As slow as I can run, I've gone 6 miles in about an hour. Because of the Israelites disobedience, 6 miles took them a year. Talk about a curvy, slow path. I certainly don’t want to be on that curvy path for 40 years.
I do not want to waste my life wandering when I'm not where God wants me to be. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and for me to get from where I am now to where God wants me to be, I have to trust Him implicitly, even when faith doesn't make sense. So, I trust, implicitly, praying that He will do something with this sacrificial faith.
We've already found a solution for Insurance. Lord help me this won't be career suicide. And Lord-willing our family will be fine. I don't know how long this path is; And I don't know where it's going. But I know that by walking in faith God will make it as short and as straight as it can be. Pray for us that in the happy and tumultuous times we will cling to Proverbs 3.
(What am I actually doing? Check out and let me help your church or non-profit take advantage of what Online and Digital has to offer. Let's talk.)
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