Okay, it's getting real. I am happy to announce the brand launch of THECHURCH.DIGITAL - all of this is coming together quickly. If you see me in person, ask to see my business cards. They're incredible. Logo design was by Luis Mora, who worked quickly and efficiently to get this stuff done. I highly recommend him for photography or graphic/branding. For more information on Luis, check out 35mmMora.com.
So, we've got a brand and a website. Next up? I've enjoyed catching up with some churches here in Miami over the past week, and tomorrow I'm flying out to my old stomping grounds (Austin, TX and Dallas, TX) to meet with some incredible people, and plan/pray through some future developments. If all this works, it's a God thing. If it doesn't work, it's still a God thing. Amazing the life perspective that comes when you realize that.
God, it's a new world. Guide these steps and make this of you, not of me.
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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