In part 1, I gave 8 steps to building a team. Ideas are only theory until you act. In today’s blog we will put theory into practice. My challenge for you today is to take action on one of the ideas. Where is God leading you to action? If you need accountability, email me at
Matthew 9:38, Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”
ACTION: Set Matthew 9:38 as a calendar reminder three times during each day.
ALL people, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, or status play a role in God’s Kingdom-building plan. 1 Corinthians 12:27 (NIV) says, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” Be a talent spotter. Our ethos should be: “Why not you?
ACTION: Don’t assume. Stop right now and ask God who you have overlooked. Text, call or email and tell them, what you see in them. Then, ask the question: Why not you?
Cast vision. Be clear and consistent. Place mission at the forefront of every conversation, every meeting, and every decision.
ACTION: Does your team know what the mission is? In your next team meeting, ask each person to write the mission on a piece of paper (without looking at your website). You may be surprised as what they write.
If you have been called to ministry leadership, God has already written your job description. Ephesians 4: 11-12 (ESV) “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
ACTION: Equipping begins in Bible Study. Idea: Chose a 4-day on demand Bible study from the Bible APP for your team to do together. Rinse and repeat.
People do best when they can serve in their area of interest and strengths. Take the time to help people identify their unique gifts and talents and then find the right fit.
ACTION: Create a book club. Invite your congregation to discover their fit in the body of Christ. I recommend: What You Do Best in the Body of Christ: Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, Personal Style, and God-Given Passion or Living Your Strengths: Discover Your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community .
Plan consistent time for team gatherings. Pray, plan, train, recognize achievements and have fun.
ACTION: Use a Facebook group (or another similar platform) to meet online daily. Recruit a leader who can commit to posting daily. Daily posts should include, prayer, upcoming calendar events, funny memes, recognition of birthdays, anniversaries and church testimonies that encourage and inspire. Rotate team members to facilitate a 15-minute training or encouragement each week.
Identify personal leadership barriers, for example, micro-managing or lack of self-care. Have mentors and accountable people in your life who can encourage and help you grow.
ACTION: Sustainable and health leadership only happens if we are willing to grow. Partner with a friend who is in leadership or get a personal coach who you can meet with regularly.
Pray without ceasing. ( 1 Thes. 5:17)
ACTION: Pray with a friend. Pray with your team. Pray as a community of believers.
Join us at the DIGITALCHURCH.NETWORK prayer every Thursday at 9:30am (PDT) for 30 minutes of prayer and encouragement. No reservations necessary, just show up!
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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