it is a very strong complement to the Physical Church (when done right).
I'm a video guy, literally spending 20 years of my life producing live video for churches. The attention span on YouTube is 3-5 minutes. Same with Facebook. Instagram is less than a minute, or 10 minutes with IGTV. TV shows are either 22 or 44 minutes, sans commercial breaks. Even Netflix, with all their original content cap their episodic material around an hour, and that's a highly produced with a high level of production tied in. If we're really interested in reaching the world, a 40+ minute message as part of a 70+ online experience isn't effective.
This is the exact opposite from our Physical Churches. People accept Christ in pews across America each week, but more often than not, effective evangelism online happens in small groups, not in the broadcast of the service online.
Maybe as a result of the "fake news" movement, but there is a movement of distrust among people regHow do you build trust? Not by talking loudly, but by engaging, by listening to people online.
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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