Prepare for Online Discipleship After Easter

Written by Tom Pounder | Mar 19, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Christmas and Easter are two of the biggest Church services that happen each year. They draw Christians and non-Christians, young people and old people, single and married back to Church. Because so many people come to Church those days, it presents a great opportunity for discipleship after. 

So how can you be prepared? What can you do? Here are 3 groups you can get started today.

  • Text Group. You can start a text group where you send daily encouragement and Bible readings to a group. You can use apps and programs like Remind or Text-in-Church. Every day people will get a new text message that includes a Bible verse or passage to read and a thought to challenge them. They are also encouraged to text back what challenges or encourages them. It’s a great way to encourage people. You could also do a different version where you start a text group with 10-12 people and make it a daily chat group where you are sharing encouragement throughout the day. This way goes beyond just one way communication. It's more a daily conversational group.
  • Facebook Group. This is a group you specifically create for follow up and help with others. It's an asynchronous group where you post once a day and encourage people to have conversation back and forth. To find out 10 tips on how to run one of these groups, click here
  • Online Bible Study. This is a Bible study where you use an app like YouVersion to start an Online study and you can invite friends and people in your Church or ministry to it. The YouVersion Bible App has tons of different plans that you can choose from ranging from 3 days to much longer. The app also allows ways for you to have discussions after each reading and devotional time.  


Easter provides a fresh opportunity for your Church to connect with people in your community. While some will not come back, there are others who will. That is why you need to be prepared for discipleship opportunities. These are just three different types of online groups you can have set up and ready for people to sign up for when they come for Easter services. Which one(s) will you use?

What do you think? What other ways you can prepare for online discipleship after Easter?  Share your ideas below or on social media.

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