There are many different kinds of digital missionaries. There are those who use social media to create content that inspires and encourages others. Those can be with written word, video or photography. There are also those digital missionaries that respond and encourage others on their postings. They offer hope and encouragement. But not everyone is geared to be sharing about Christ online like this. That is why a prayer warrior makes for a great digital missionary.
How can a Prayer Warrior be a Digital Missionary? The purpose of a digital missionary is to share the love of Jesus to people online. Being someone who prays for people online and engages with them afterwards is a great example of doing ministry online.
How would one go about being an online prayer warrior? The first step is to pray. What I always suggest to people who want to minister to people online is that I encourage them that before they get online is to spend time praying. Pray that God guides them to the people He needs them to connect with that day.
Then, after you prayer, get online and go forth in God's presence. Let Him lead you to the people you need to interact with. As you feel led, comment on posts or message people sharing that you will be praying for them. Then, commit to praying for them daily. After a few days go by, follow up with that person and ask them how that situation is going and how you can pray for them some more or encourage them. The more you follow up, the more likely you can have further conversations about life and God, which could lead to life change in Christ.
Who can be a prayer warrior? The great news about a prayer warrior as a digital missionary is that anyone at any age can be a prayer warrior. You don't have to be a trendy young person who knows how to do the latest dance moves to pray for someone. And, people won't care what a person looks like in order to receive prayer. They just want prayer and God to act in some way.
There are many forms of digital missionaries. Prayer warriors are ones who can minister to people online in a very powerful way. Find those at your Church and see what God does.
What do you think? What prayer warriors do you have that can minister to people online? Share your thoughts below or on social media.
Also, if you are interested in being a Digital Missionary or want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, j oin the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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