EP286 - Jon Pyle on Disappointment, Timing, and Authenticity in Faith

Written by Jeff Reed | Mar 11, 2024 3:00:00 PM


Dive into Unfiltered Chats on Disappointment, Integrity, and Keeping It Real in a Hyper-connected World

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Dealing with the 'Not Yet' Moments

Jeff Reed kicks things off by getting real about those moments when life doesn't play by the script - yeah, we're talking dashed hopes and divine delays. Jon Pyle jumps in, dropping some wisdom about how our journey can get messy when things don't happen on our timeline, kind of like how ancient dude David felt waiting to be king and all.

Keeping It 100 Online

With our lives splashed across Instagram and TikTok, Jon's keeping it 100 about how easy it is to slip into a fake-it-till-you-make-it mode. They chew over how the urge to look perfect online can mess with your head and heart. It's a no-holds-barred talk on the danger of losing yourself in the quest for likes and retweets.

Getting Personal with Targeted Ministry

Ever wondered if the digital church vibe could get super specific, like talking to just one part of the huge global crowd? That's what's up when Jeff shouts out Jon's convo with Kyle Berkholder. They hash out how digital can hit the spot with peeps in specific situations, even though it's kinda tough to zero in when you're casting a wide net every Sunday.

Mixing Generations in the Digital Pew

Switching gears, they tackle the head-scratcher of bridging the gap between boomers and gen-z in virtual pews. Yeah, digital tools are clutch for staying in sync, but it turns out, there's more to building a digital fam that spans generations than just sending a quick text or sharing memes.

Heartfelt Convos Over Ticked Boxes

Jeff's got this upcoming heart-to-heart with John set up, and he's all about digging deep rather than ticking boxes on hot topics. Jon talks about his podcast game, where he's looking out for our digital souls and keeping the faith real in our swipe-right world.

Soul Care in the Digital Age

They circle back to this big question: What's the diff between fixing mental health blues and doing some serious soul care? Jon schools us that being a pastor today is like being that friend who helps you see the bigger picture when stress is hitting you hard, without stepping on the toes of mental health pros.

Wrapping Up: Heart-to-Heart & Jokes

Winding down, Jeff shares his health journey, but it's not all heavy - Jon cracks us up pretending to be a Russian spambot. It's a classic TCD finish, where real talk meets real laughs, and just like that, you're reminded why these two have one of the coolest digital bromances around.


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 05:44 Exploring fear and improving performance in life.
  • 10:32 Discussing soul care and integrating it digitally.
  • 20:42 Pastoral care involves helping people in pain.
  • 25:45 Struggling with faith amid disappointment and pain.
  • 30:03 Struggle with dependency and patience in faith.
  • 35:44 Comparing success and temptation to hide.
  • 44:54 Agree on need for qualitative digital connections.
  • 49:39 Jeff goes deep with Jon.
  • 56:35 Themes of mental health, generational talk highlighted.
  • 58:59 Realizing God's bigger plans amid disappointment.


Host: Jeff Reed
Founder, The Church Digital

Guest: Jon Pyle
Rumored Russian Spambot


  • How does Jon Pyle relate David's story from the Bible to the concept of unmet expectations and disappointment in our personal journeys?
  • Jeff Reed speaks about the challenges of physical limitations and patience. Can you share a time when you similarly had to adjust your expectations and find reliance on divine timing?
  • Jon Pyle speaks to the value of the "messy, painful middle" of our life experiences. How do you navigate this phase, and what theological perspectives help you endure it?
  • In what ways can digital platforms impact our ability to live authentically, and how might we guard against presenting a false image of ourselves online?
  • Drawing from Jon Pyle’s remarks on church leaders' moral failings, what can everyday believers do to maintain their integrity in both digital and non-digital spheres?
  • Jeff and Jon discuss the difficulty of creating a generational digital church. How do you think different generations can effectively connect within digital church communities?
  • Considering the conversation about soul care and mental health, how can we as individuals prioritize both in our lives, particularly in the fast-paced digital age?
  • Jon Pyle likens pastoral care to being a battlefield medic. How do you see the role of pastors evolving to meet the needs of congregants' mental health and soul care?
  • Share a personal experience where technology played a key role in creating a connection or a deeper relationship. What made it meaningful?
  • Reflecting on Jon Pyle’s insights regarding doing what God called us to do, how do you deal with the timing of your life goals and divine calling? 


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Love you all! Praying for your Churches and your Ministry Online.

Jeff Reed