Easter services, events and activities are all the focus each spring for Churches. The reality is though, that while Easter gets a lot of attention, there would be no Easter without Good Friday. Good Friday is the day Christians commemorate and observe the crucifixion of Jesus. He death redeemed us of the sins of humanity.
While there are many ways you can observe Good Friday as a Church, this year, consider using the power of technology to reach more people around the world and share the profound meaning Good Friday to others. That means offering an online service in addition to any in-person gatherings you provide at your Church.
One of the major value adds of an online Good Friday service is the increased accessibility and convenience for people. While people may want to attend an unperson service, people facing sickness, disability, travel, or work schedule conflicts may not be able to attend. However, by offering these services online, people will be able to attend.
There is also huge potential to spur new interest in visiting your church on Easter Sunday. If someone was to see and attend your Online Good Friday service, they could be drawn to attend an in-person or online Easter service a few days later. You can use website banners, social media ads, and email campaigns that target unchurched people in your local community to attend.
Lastly, it can also further your digital discipleship opportunities. People who attend online may be attending for the first time and are looking to learn more about Jesus. Have a variety of next steps people can take to get involved in an online Bible study, life group or class that while help people grow in their faith, n matter where it is currently.
As preparations for Easter week ramp up, take steps to use today’s online and digital tools towards creating an impactful online Good Friday service. As you are able to do this, it can help people take next steps towards growing in their faith, regardless of where it is.
What do you think? What are other benefits and potential of doing an Online Good Friday service? Share your ideas below or on social media.
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Through the.Church.digital, we are helping physical and digital churches better understand the discipleship process, and helping churches and church planters understand this and other decentralized mindset shifts. By taking this quick assessment we can get you connect with a coach, resources and more. Also, check out our Discord Group where we are encouraging people daily.