From a very young age you are encouraged to ask questions. Whether you are processing something that has happened or a thought, you are always encouraged to ask who, what, when, where, why and how. Asking those questions will help you solve the problem or learn more. Asking questions is powerful at a young age as you are growing up and it is powerful in ministry, as a Digital Missionary.
As a Digital Missionary, you use online tools and social media to engage and interact with people all over the world. And while many people are looking into faith and spiritual matters, many people today aren’t primarily looking for preaching or lectures. They are looking for genuine dialogue and discussion. After all, even though today's world is increasingly non-christian, people do have faith-based questions. They are looking for these answers online and that is why asking questions of people online and on social media can be a very powerful way to engage others.
Asking questions creates space for dialogue and conversation rather than a one-sided lecture or teaching. It signals that you value the other person and want to understand their perspective without judgment. Asking good questions help people uncover truth at their own pace rather than rushing them to make a decision about a certain topic. Asking questions can disarm hearts in a unique way that opens doors for God to work in their lives.
Here are some thought-provoking questions digital missionaries can ask on social media to spark meaningful spiritual conversations:
These are just some questions you can ask. There are more that will stir up conversation.
Asking questions on your social accounts isn't the only way to ask questions and stir up conversations. Another example is to comment on someone else's social media post where they are asking questions. You can comment and follow up with a question of your own. When you do this, these questions help start caring conversations.
Even if the person still disagrees with your perspective ultimately, asking respectful questions lays important groundwork by showing that you care, are listening without judgment, and have reasonable thoughts worth consideration. This builds relational bridges that the Holy Spirit can use for future spiritual conversations to develop.
As a Digital Missionary, resist the urge to be an instant expert. People do not want answers from the know it all. Rather, they want to process their questions with someone who is humble and relatable. They want to have meaningful spiritual conversations, not be lectured to. That is why it is important to ask questions to help you understand what they are really searching for. The more you can ask questions, the more likely you are going to be able to engage someone in a meaning, spiritual conversation and help them in their faith journey.
Through The Church Digital , we are helping physical and digital churches better understand the discipleship process, and helping churches and church planters understand this and other decentralized mindset shifts. By taking this quick survey we can get you connect with a coach, resources and more. Also, check out our Facebook Group where we are encouraging people daily.
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Through, we are helping physical and digital churches better understand the discipleship process, and helping churches and church planters understand this and other decentralized mindset shifts. By taking this quick assessment we can get you connect with a coach, resources and more. Also, check out our Discord Group where we are encouraging people daily.