Every time a tragedy or incident around the world happens, Church Social Media Mangers will almost always post a "Pray for...." image. By all means, we want to encourage people to pray during tragedies. We want to post on social media about the tragedy. But, if all we do is post an image about it, are we really taking action?.As Digital Missionaries, there must be more we can do than just post graphics or change our profile picture to show we are united in solidarity.
The reality is that when tragedies happen around the world, like what is happening in the Ukraine right now, there are a variety of ways people can help and support those in need. For instance, here are 5 different things you can do to be a digital missionary
1. Send supplies. People have boots on the ground there. Find out what is needed and send supplies. These could be medical supplies and humanitarian relief to those Ukrainians directly affected by the invasion. Groups like United Help Ukraine can help. The Red Cross is also a great organization to help.
2. Support Refugees. While there are organizations like The Red Cross who helps in a variety of ways, there are organizations that help aid those displaced, the Refugees. Organizations like Global Giving has is providing clean water, food and shelter to refugees in Ukraine and surrounding regions where Ukrainian refugees have fled.
3. Support Hospitals and Medical Organizations. Revived Soldiers Ukraine is an organization that funds medication and medical supplies for field and army hospitals at the front lines of eastern Ukraine.
4. Support those in your own community. The reality is that people in your own community are going to be affected by what is happening in Ukraine. Prices for everyday needs are already higher due to unrest around the world and inflation. They will go up more now. Do a food drive or give out gas cards to people. You may not be helping the Ukrainians during this time, but what is happening over there has a ripple affect all over the world and in your community. Mobilize people on social media to give to those in need with the higher prices.
5. Pray. Get on social media and search for those Ukrainians directly affected by the war. Read their posts, listen to their videos and then commit to praying for them. Don't just post a graphic. Pray for them by name and encourage them. Then, follow up throughout and continue to encourage them. If you would like to pray in general for the situation in Ukraine, here are 10 things you can be pray for:
When tragedies happen, a lot of people are called to action. They want to help. As digital missionaries, these are great opportunities to spring into action and help others physically, emotionally and spiritually. As you can see, there are a variety of ways you can take action and make a difference for those in need during tragedies like the Ukrainian War. Here are 5 actions you can take. Share about these actions, participate in them and pray consistently for the people of Ukraine. I hope and pray that as you do these things, others will be encouraged to do more than just post a social media graphic as you do.
What do you think? What are other ways Digital Missionaries can act and encourage others during this War? Share your ideas below or on social media.
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