Facebook Ads are a great way to get your message out to the community. But what must you do to be effective? How can you possibility use them to reach more people with the message of Christ? There are a variety of different ways but here are 6 Facebook Ad tips that you can use to improve your effectiveness.
Facebook Ad Library . This was created in 2018 as a way Facebook tried to be easy privacy concerns. It is a great site to use to see what other Churches or ministries are doing on Facebook Ads and how effective it is for them. This will give you ideas on how you can make your Facebook ads more effective by learning from past Facebook ad campaigns.
Try Multiple Ads. Whenever you are promoting a big event or sharing something as a Facebook Ad, it is important to get the word out. Facebook Ads let you do that. However, d on't put all your Eggs in one basket. Try multiple ads tailored differently in hopes to reach a different audience. That doesn't mean you have to spend more money. It just means that you try to reach multiple groups of people point everyone back to the same link. Then, after the campaign is over you can see which ad worked best.
Videos work well. Still image or carousel ads are good, but videos are very effective. Keep them short and use them to catch someones attention. Also, if you are using a sermon clip, make sure you use captioning as sometimes they won't play the audio sometimes. With captioning they can read what you are saying.
Ask Questions. Don't make statements. Ask questions and strike up curiosity. The more curious they are the more likely they are to click on your ad. For instance, instead of saying "Come to our Church today" say something like, "Are you looking for hope or community
Small Budget can still lead to success. In order to expand your Facebook reach, you have to spend money. It doesn't have to be hundreds of dollars. In fact, it can be as little as $5 a day for a period of time. Five dollars for 5 days is $25. That can go a long way in reaching people.
Keep mileage distance to 10 miles. Facebook automatically defaults to 25 miles for Facebook ads. However, if you are looking to draw people to in person gatherings, people will very rarely drive more than 10 miles to our Church. Plus, when you limit the distance to 10 miles you can get more bang for your buck.
When done right, Facebook Ads can be very effective. Incorporate any of the six tips the next time you do an ad and see what kind of reach your Church has and who will start attending your Church because of a Facebook Ad they saw.
What do you think? What other Facebook Ad tips do you have? Share your ideas below or on social media.
Also, if you are interested in being a Digital Missionary or want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, j oin the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!
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