I cried. All because of a vertical line.
I heard a pastor preaching recently about why we should not fear. Having heard messages like this before, I shrugged it off. Been there, done that. Then he quoted a Scripture verse that I’ve heard at least a million times, causing me to get further disconnected...
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He shall direct your path.
Then he drew a line... a vertical line...
Evidently the stuff on the left hand side, that’s my job. If I don’t want to fear, I need to 1) TRUST GOD, 2) DON’T LEAN on my own capacities, and 3) ACKNOWLEDGE GOD in all things. If I do these three things, according to Proverbs 3:5-6, God will direct my path. What a humbling concept. The line brought a much deeper understanding, even practical application, to a passage I’ve read hundreds of times.
You see, I trust God, at least I think I do. I acknowledge God in every chance I get. But as a confessed closet control freak, “Lean not on your own understanding” is a slap in the face. My understanding doesn’t scratch the surface of God’s. Why should I try to control a situation when He is by far better equipped to handle the situation? Yet strangely I seem to think I know better than He does when I do things in my own power instead of being dependent upon Him.
So, God, I hear you. Use me. Humble me. Break me. Life’s far more rewarding when we’re leaning on His understanding than our own.
I do not know where this path goes, but I know the one who owns it. In Him will I trust.
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