The Primer to the Philosophical Shift of Church Online

Written by Jeff Reed | Apr 8, 2019 9:03:07 PM

We've talked a lot lately about the philosophical shift coming by way of Church Online. In addition to just broadcasting church services online, the Church now has the potential to expand into creating opportunities for Biblical Community and Discipleship in Online Spaces. That being said, new people come into this conversation regularly, and it's helpful to back up and provide some educational resources and context to get someone caught up in the conversation.

Just joining into the Church Online conversation? Start here.

Blogs & Articles

  1. Start With Why: The Picture Storybook Online by Jeff Reed
  2. Blog Series: Church Online in 2020 by Jeff Reed
  3. Blog Series: Send Network's Church Planting Manifesto Applied to Church Online by Jeff Reed
  4. NY Times Article: Internet Church Isn't Really Church by Laura Turner (with response by Jeff Reed)
  5. FoxNews Article: If  want to get millennials to enter their doors, they need to do THIS by Judah & Chelsea Smith (with response by Jeff Reed)
  6. FoxNews Article: Church as we know it is over. Here's what's next by Dave Adams (with response by Jeff Reed)
  7. Blog: How an Online Small Group Leads to Real Life Change by Andrea Hubbert
  8. Blog: The Internet Isn't All Online by Jay Kranda
  9. Blogs: Church Online Blogs by Jeff Reed
  10. Blogs: Church Online Blogs by Jay Kranda

Podcasts & YouTube

  1. Podcast: Clay Scroggins on How the Digital Disruption is Changing Everything for Churches and Businesses by Carey Nieuwhof
  2. Podcast: Creating an Online Discipleship Path for Your Ministry by YM Sidekick Podcast, Jeff Reed
  3. Podcast: A Conversation About the Validity & Future of Digital Church Expressions by SocialMedia.Church
  4. YouTube: Dave Adamson's YouTube Channel

Books, eBooks, Conferences

  1. eBook: What Happens When Church Online Grows Up by Jeff Reed
  2. eBook: State of Church Online eBook by Jay Kranda
  3. Book: Church 3.0 by Neil Cole
  4. Book: Letters to the Church by Francis Chan

Remember, technology is not THE END... it is the the MEANS TO THE END. Get help utilizing technology to extend your church's reach, even expanding discipleship opportunities, digitally. Church Online needs to become a vital part of your church's strategy, shaped and adapted as necessary to fit within your church's context. The goal is not discipleship virtually... the goal is to extend your reach virtually to impact people with the Gospel physically.

Questions? Unsure on next steps? Book some time with THECHURCH.DIGITAL and let us help you figure out your church's next steps.