PODCAST 103: Jason Poling & The Virtual Reality Multisite Campus

Written by Jeff Reed | Nov 9, 2020 1:00:00 AM


I love talking with people who get it. People that you don’t have to convince of a good idea. People that are usually already running down the road about the time you say “hey, look over there!”

Jason has been another one of the COVID contacts that is changing the way he looks at Church. Jason is Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church, and you can hear his story in the podcast, but I’m pretty sure Cornerstone is the only one (if not one of a few) churches that are doing services Physically (in buildings), Digitally (broadcasting video), and also Avatar (Virtual Reality Campus). That’s right. Jason is doing a three-fold ministry approach, hitting physical, digital, and avatar.

Not bad for a small church. Jason tells lots of stories here, talking about the challenges of getting started in virtual reality, and the eventual ministry payoff. Incredible conversation with immediate application for churches brave enough to think outside the box.

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Guest: Jason Poling
Cornerstone Church, Lead Pastor
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram

Host: Jeff Reed
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram // LinkedIn

Co-Host: Rey DeArmas
Christ Fellowship Miami Online
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram


  • How crazy does a Virtual Reality Campus seem to you? Your church leadership?
  • Can you disciple someone digitally as well as you can physically?
  • What does your church’s multiplication or disciple-making strategies look like? How can that be unleashed on digital environments?


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Love you all! Praying for your Churches and your Ministry Online.

Jeff Reed