PODCAST 099: Korey Deck - Shepherding, Pastoral Care, & Mourning Digitally

Written by Jeff Reed | Oct 12, 2020 12:00:00 AM


How do we pastor people phygitally? How do we care for people in digital space? Great question, and I honestly thought I had an answer to that until I heard from Korey in a Facebook Group. “Well, 25 people in my church have died as a result of COVID.”

Korey, from Grace Community Church, has experienced a whole other perspective than I (and most of you) probably have had in this COVID season. As a Campus Pastor in New York, he has seen his church lose 25 people to coronavirus. How do you pastor a church that you can’t hug? How do you care for a church that you can’t be in physical space together?

These are the issues that Korey and other pastors across the country are wrestling with daily. Let’s learn from stories like Korey and get a glimpse of the Church’s future.

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Guest: Korey Deck
Grace Community Church
Facebook // Instagram

Host: Jeff Reed
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram // LinkedIn


  • How have you seen the Holy Spirit move in your church during COVID? Text us at 484-324-8724.
  • How has your church been dealing with Shepherding or Pastoral Care Online?
  • How can you show care for someone mourning without physically touching them?


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Love you all! Praying for your Churches and your Ministry Online.

Jeff Reed