You know that playbook you had? The strategy that you built for your church? For the foreseeable future it's trash. Not to mention, when the dust settles on this COVID-19 season, I don't think we'll recognize the world we'll see.
So, in the midst of this new season, how does the church find its voice? This is the heart of this podcast, bringing in friend of the pod, Ben Stapley, one of the lead church communication guys in the country. Ben shares some great insight in how it's time for the church to PIVOT! PIVOT! (Insert "Friends" couch jokes here.)
An excellent podcast talking about how your church needs to communicate to your staff, to your congregation, and to your community... this is a podcast you'll not want to miss.
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Guest: Ben Stapley, Weekend Experience Director
Christ Fellowship Miami
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Host: Jeff Reed
Co-Host: Rey DeArmas
Christ Fellowship Miami Online
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