PODCAST 026: Tom Pounder in Apple, Innovation, & Discipleship

Sep 16, 2019

Remember when Apple was an innovative company? Steve Jobs would be speaking at a keynote, flash that sly grin, and then say to the audience: “Oh, one more thing…” Those days are sadly behind us it would seem. For the entirety of my life, I’ve been Apple Fanboy #1, but after the presentation this September, I am willingly relinquishing my Fanboy status. I will no longer claim to be an Apple Apologist. In search to become the most cash-rich corporation in the world, they’ve lost some of the principles Apple was founded on, innovation.

Church, there’s a connection here for you. If you can hold on past my (Jeff’s) tirade against Apple, hopefully, there’s a worthwhile lesson in Church Innovation and new methods needed to reach new people.

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Guest: Tom Pounder
YM Sidekick
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Host: Jeff Reed
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Jeff Reed: 00:00 All right listening audience, you're probably gonna realize that Episode 26 here of The Church Digital Podcast, I, Jeff Reed, am a little more hyped up than normal. It's a little more of a passionate subject than normal for me, as weird as it may sound, as much as I love Church Online because I am Apple's number one fan boy and have been for close to four decades now. Unfortunately, some of the things that I've seen recently have brought me to the point that I started saying some things on social media on how the company is struggling with this lack of innovation and how I will no longer be an Apple apologist for this company and some of the decisions that it's making because I'm releasing them of their innovation call in my life. Yeah, that does sound kind of angry and passive aggressive and bitter even when I say it.

Jeff Reed: 00:57 But hey, it's my podcast. It's cool. So here's what I'm doing. I'm bringing in Tom Pounder from YM Sidekick podcast. Tom has been a great guy. We've been on each other's podcasts off and on. But we really want to dive in. Here's what we are, we both have a passion for church online. I can guarantee that I've never breathed the same air as Tom Pounder in my life and I know that man is passionate about seeing church online happen. And so I'm bringing him in and we want to have a conversation about Apple. We're going to talk about innovation and we're going to talk about discipleship and all this is going to fit together. And I promise you it's going to be an awesome podcast. So here you go. Tom Pounder, YM Sidekick Podcast, online pastor, youth pastor, a man of many, many talents and myself, Jeff Reed with The Church.Digital in a conversation in Apple, Innovation and Discipleship. Here y'all go.

Tom Pounder: 01:46 Hey everyone. Today I am with my friend, Jeff Reed, or Jeff's actually with me. I mean, we're together online, today and we are talking about innovation and we're talking about the church. And to give you the context of this, you know, Jeff and I are big apple fans. We love Apple.

Jeff Reed: 02:06 Well, we used to be or maybe I used to be. I'm not really sure how far down the rabbit hole I'm going, but I'm not happy.

Tom Pounder: 02:15 See Jeff is talking about this right now in the context of, he has his AirPods in right now and I'm sure he's recording this from a mac or whatnot, but yeah, so Apple just had their big iPhone event and they released some new iPhones. They released a new iPad, new watch and Jeff, let's just start with you. How did you feel about this recent event then that Apple had?

Jeff Reed: 02:45 So like, I want to put it in context. You're right, Tom. I have probably six different apple devices within arm reach of me sitting here at the table. Everything from my iPhone, my iPad, my apple pencil, my Mac computer, my air pods, my Apple Watch that I'm wearing. If there was like Apple underwear, I would probably be wearing it at this time. I do own fruit of the looms, if you are worried and want to go that deep. But here's the problem, is that, I kind of posted on social media that I'm done being an Apple apologist because for years Apple has been doing this incremental update, incremental update, incremental updates and just bits and pieces rolling out some minor updates within their product lines. And that's nice. That's great. Ironically my phone dies every couple of years so like it's very appropriate timing for me to go out and buy the next phone.

Jeff Reed: 03:46 I've got the XR by the way, cause I refuse to spend $1,000 on a phone. $750, I guess seems to be okay. But this is part of the thing because Apple at the end of the day has figured out almost as good as any other company. Maybe Disney aside to separate money from you in your wallet. Cause at the end, they have more cash than any other company out there. Their brand is higher ranked than anybody else out there. But here's the news flash, they haven't really done anything innovative in years. I mean, so the AirPods that I now have in my ears, which sound phenomenal, guess what? They're freaking $20 earbuds with the cables cut off. If I didn't have these AirPods I'd have a little tiny eighth-inch cable connected to my laptop. Actually I wouldn't because Apple took away the adapter forcing me to buy the AirPods cause I can't hook them up straight into my laptop.

Jeff Reed: 04:48 My Apple watch, they come out with a new feature and they make the old one older. The new iPhone. Hey, you know what we're going to take away, we're going to make it a more expensive, we'll make the old one a little cheaper, but we're going to add, guess this. We're going to add a third camera, so this way you can do super slow motion selfies. The iPad itself, the bestselling 9.7 inch business, the one that's awesome. The pro level iPad. We're not going to sell that one guys, anymore. Sorry. We're gonna make it a fraction of an inch bigger jumping it up to 10.2 and we're going to charge you as much if not more money for it. This isn't innovation and this is what's got me exploding and it's already the stock boomed as a result of the meeting because at the end of the day, Apple, the only thing that they're judged by is how much money they're making.

Jeff Reed: 05:41 And honestly, just transparently, we're sheep in this process buying this stuff. Now I have bought this stuff my entire life. My first computer was an Apple 2 GS. That was even before the Macs. So like if some of you old school guys, you can buy into that Apple 2 GS with a three and a half inch disk drive on it. And I used to code using that computer. And so I've been Mac my entire life. There was that stretch where Steve Jobs, left the company to go do Next and was with Pixar and doing all that stuff. I got to confess openly. I wavered a little bit during that time. I experimented with PCs. I didn't like it. I didn't like the way that it felt, but I did. I experimented. Like Steve Jobs came back and it was great.

Jeff Reed: 06:26 I've been a stock holder with the company since, since 2000, maybe 1999, but at the end of the day where that company is, it's not innovative anymore. And I'll just go ahead and say it. They're incremental updates on what they have. And the real question that I'm asking and struggling with is they're spending all this money on research and development, but I don't understand where it's going. The biggest innovation they've got is they want to be a Netflix competitor. Guess what? Like I'm not looking for a Netflix competitor and if I was, Disney Plus has already like, got it. I'm not gonna spend money. I'm not going to get excited. I'm not going to become a fanboy over a Netflix competitor. It's the innovation that has me jumping head over feet for this and Apple just hasn't done that in a long time.

Tom Pounder: 07:19 Well, what would you say would be the last thing that Apple innovated because I will say this like when the iPod came out, man, that was innovative. That, I mean, because you took something that was, people were messing around with cassette players, the MP3 players, nothing was really good. And then the iPod came out and man, like we were not, my family was not Mac fans until the iPod. Then we went to iPod and we bought a Mac and were like this is gold. Okay. So what would you say would be probably maybe the last thing they innovated?

Jeff Reed: 07:56 The last thing that I was like, this is something that I've never seen before. It was the marriage of a iPad pro with an Apple pencil. And so like, I bought this and I'm a writer. So like and I've had probably three or four different versions of iPads in my life. And I would always download either Good notes, Good notes is actually what I use right now. Once again, I'm kind of a hypocrite. I totally acknowledge that. Good notes. I've used Evernote maybe a dozen times in my life. And if you are an Evernote apologist, I don't understand you cause I can't figure out that software. But I've always been trying to write it because in the end I'm like an analog guy using digital technology, writing out my notes, even the notes for this podcast I wrote on my iPad.

Jeff Reed: 08:48 And as a result of that, the marriage of the pencil and that release with the iPad pro, the smoothness of like the 650 megahertz refresh rate that you're seeing on that. It was phenomenal. It was something I'd never seen before. Anytime I tried to ride with a stylus with a pencil, it's jerky, it's jagged. Like a second or two seconds later, you see the letter, the pencil little tip tip is like falling off and it just, it never, never worked well and so this did. Hey, congratulations that's great. The year was like 2016 when that released and so once again, I'm a hypocrite. Apple. It's been three years. What else you got? I mean, I'm sorry. Credit card. Hey, great. Apple is helping us get even more in debt by charging a 3.5% interest rate.

Jeff Reed: 09:38 Just so we can get a really cool feature on our phone where it'll show blah, blah, blah. Like I don't understand where we went from this company that was innovative, that was edgy, that was working in garage, that was tackling companies like Microsoft, usurping them, challenging them, utilizing almost guerrilla warfare tactics to release products like the iPod. That was phenomenal. That was better than anything else on the market. Do you remember what else was on the market MP3 wise? Back then it was like those was it sonas. No, it wasn't sonas but it was like a 32 megabit card MP3 reader. You could literally load one CD on a digital music player. You could load one CD or you could carry around 500 songs in the pocket of your hands on a hard drive that was like the first iPod. Brains are exploding. Nobody's exploding on this. It's a third camera that does slow motion selfie so I can be really slow when I'm doing something.

Tom Pounder: 10:50 We're giving kids more opportunities to be creative with their selfies in their snapchat stories and Instagram and everything like that. So all right, well this is good. I love this rant. I will say, anybody who listens Jeff and says, okay, well the pencil, no big deal. Every tablet's got a pencil. Well, not all pencils are created equal actually because I've experimented with this. The Apple Pencil is by far the most superior pencil or pen that you can put on a tablet. I've had a variety of different ones I've tried to use on iPads or tablets before. They're just not as good as that pencil. So I would say it is very innovative and it continues to be that way to this day. So. Okay. But again, you and I are not here just to talk about Apple innovation. We want to translate this a little bit into church innovation. And in particular where you and I are both, fan favorites of online innovation.

Jeff Reed: 11:52 Wait, Tom, are we doing bait and switch right here? Did we just Jesus Juke this podcast?

Tom Pounder: 11:57 We did Jesus Juke you. Hey listen, that's the story of my life man. I do. I like, Hey, I tweet out something like, Hey, learn what happened with the Super Bowl this week? And then I juke em' into talking about our super bowl party or something like that. So yes, I do that all the time. But so, okay, so let's talk about Church and innovation. What is your thought on this? Or is the church innovative of enough right now or are we failing in this area? Are we succeeding? What do you think from a general context here?

Jeff Reed: 12:30 So I think the church is innovating in certain areas. So the church defines itself right now by the one hour service that happens on Sunday. The majority, and I don't mean to be insulted, but the majority of effort of staff, people, volunteers across this country, the majority of the effort goes into producing that one hour on Sunday. And I do believe that the church is being innovative in context of that. Like let's parallel to apple. We're making fun of the three cameras and I love that Apple. Hey, let's slap a third camera on there and see what can happen with that. So Apple's being innovative with their devices. Similarly, I think the church is being innovative within that. Hey, what if we introduced cameras in here and include Imag and worship with multisite movement streaming to video teaching the different different campuses.

Jeff Reed: 13:23 Churches are trying to be more expressive in context of lighting, of creating worship environments, of utilizing drama or other videos. Pastors even, I remember maybe 10, 20 years ago where a pastor would show a movie clip, like in a sermon was like, really controversial idea and now more and more pastors are being more and more visual with that trying to connect culture with the message that they have. And so I do think there's been innovation within that one thing. What I would challenge though is that church is more than just the one hour on Sunday. Apple, there's more potential than just what's happening with your iPhone. And so what if the church expanded, you said innovation in other areas, not just to reach that one hour on Sunday, but to really reach and impact people 168 hours a week.

Jeff Reed: 14:20 What if instead of just creating that worship environment church, what if you were innovative to try to create an opportunity to disciple someone, to train a disciple who's capable of leading others to Christ and discipling them? What if we created a series of disciples that were capable of making disciple makers out there? The money and the effort and the innovation into that one hour on Sunday wouldn't be necessary. And interestingly, we see that culture is changing that way. People don't to go to your church to learn things spiritually because they don't want to learn things spiritually. They're not interested in learning from you, church body, church building, what they are interested in, they are interested having a spiritual conversation with their friends. We know this from Lifeway 2016, so empowering your church body, providing innovation for them with evangelism and empowering them to go out there and share and invested with their friends. That's how the church is going to grow in the future. That's the innovation that we have. But as a church, we're afraid of that model for whatever reason.

Tom Pounder: 15:29 Yeah. Well, you know, it's really interesting. It was actually really empowering. I think for me in my perspective, that our church really put an emphasis in the past year or so. We've always talked "discipleship", but we've never really said, okay, go out there and go and make disciples. You know, we've talked about, okay, let's talk about discipleship. Okay, now go, let's figure out what's happening on Sunday. And we make Sunday a very expressive form and we use the lightings, the smoke machines, the movie clips, the great things, we go online. You know, we're trying to be creative and innovative that way, to reach those people. But it's only that one hour of the week like you said. And so what was empowering recently was when our senior pastor said, who are you investing in? Who are the people that you're investing in and how are you reaching them?

Tom Pounder: 16:16 And then I've spent more, honestly, like when I first started out doing ministry, it was so great for me as a student minister, young guy, to go out and be with students. Like that was my job to go out and be with students. And now I feel like my job is to go sit in my office and figure out the best lesson to do, who I can email, yada, yada. And I've really gotten it back in the mold lately of saying, okay, who are the two people I'm hanging out with today? Who am I taking out the to lunch? Or who am I meeting up with and working on discipleship that way, both from a leadership perspective but also from a student ministry perspective where I'm hanging out with kids like it is like I think we get trapped in, we're like, wow, we're going to be innovative on Sunday but then do nothing during the rest of the week. And that's why actually that's why honestly so many people I feel like asked me, hey, what do you actually do? Is your job actually full time? And I'm like, yeah, it's full time. I do lesson preparation and write a talk and what else do I do? Like I've thought that before and I'm like, that's where I need to go out and be with people and disciple other people.

Jeff Reed: 17:24 Yeah. And sadly, a lot of churches out there, Tom and we've both felt this, you're not evaluated on that discipleship piece. You're evaluated on the weekend. And what happens on the weekend? Success is measured on the weekend. I went off on this tirade and it wasn't that you can find it on social media. It was out of character for me. And so like I had people calling me, texting me, honest to God, wanting to make sure that I was okay because it was so out of character for me to start slamming Apple because I am a number one Apple fanboy. Yeah. My mother calls me and she's really worried and my mom's been on the podcast, Linda, that was awkward, I just called my mom by her first name, mom, I love you. That's great.

Jeff Reed: 18:13 But she emails me a Fox News article the next day and it says stock store as a result of Apple's announcement and okay and her response was, and she's a business woman and this makes sense. Her response was, well, Apple must be doing something right. And what's interesting is yeah, if Apple is being measured on generating cash, launching a credit card, launching a Netflix replacement, moving to a service model instead of a product model, you're right. If that's the end game there, that's making sense. And here's the thing, church, I want to challenge you with. If all you're being evaluating or all your evaluating is that one hour on Sunday, then what you are doing may be making sense but that doesn't make it right. If Apple is measured as an innovation company, then, innovate. If you are no longer an innovation company and you just are going to be measuring off the dollar.

Jeff Reed: 19:10 Tim Cook, businessman, I'm kind of talking to you, although I doubt you're listening, all your measuring yourself is by the dollar, then that's a completely set of rules and what you're going to lose is fanboys like me, who for decades have been drooling over the phrase, oh one more thing coming out of an Apple announcement. They're not happening anymore cause they're not trying. You know, and Church, let me spin it to you. If all you are doing is trying to boost or struggling to boost the attendance records that are happening at your physical campus because you're measuring that metric as opposed to creating disciples, then we're measuring the wrong thing and you need to evaluate. And maybe some of your innovation doesn't need to go into creating a more flashier show Sunday 9:00 AM and instead figuring out how to motivate people and how to train and equip and empower people to be a disciple 168 hours a week.

Tom Pounder: 20:10 Yeah. I love this, and we're going to talk about one thing specifically that you had heard recently, but I want to say this, I've often said about student ministry because I've been involved with student ministry over 20 years now, is that my biggest success in student ministry is not what happens when I'm there with high school students. It's the kids that are now adults and have families of their own that I am still in relationship with and still in contact with that I'm marrying when they're, when they're getting married, they're inviting me to, when they're drunk and wasted and down on their luck, they're calling me. I view that as success wise because I've been that positive living example to them that they know that they're missing Christ in their life. And so that's why they need that. And so I feel like discipleship isn't just on a Sunday and it's not just when you have them in your church or your program.

Tom Pounder: 21:06 It's a lifelong mission. It's the loving them one day at a time and seeing how God works in their life. And I think there's lots of different ways that we can be innovative in empowering people. And now you've talked about this on your podcast before. I've talked about this on my podcast before. You know, we've had Rey talk about it as well. You know, there's lots of different ways to do it, and you had just heard something or you were just on a call with someone from Seattle about ways that they're trying to empower people. What is a cool, innovative thing that you've been hearing about recently?

Jeff Reed: 21:39 There's an organization, it's called Church home. It was created by, it was a church, it was out in Seattle and I think San Francisco. California and Seattle. It's a five campus multisite church spread out across two states. And I was talking with their staff and I'm going to have them on the podcast. It was just a prerequisite call. But here's the deal of what this church did. They're literally doing a burn the ships mentality here where they're moving away from more campus growth. And instead what they did is we want to create a discipleship strategy digitally that can help people who are engaging us online, but also help them help people who are engaging at the physical campus. And so more than a church online strategy, it's a mobile church strategy where utilizing this mobile app.

Jeff Reed: 22:34 Not only do they have access to sermons, which are vital, but not holistic approach to church, but there is discipleship resources to help challenge them with the different levels of what somebody needs to be a disciple, even to the point of training them to share their faith with other people. And so the goal of church home out there is to challenge someone to create, become a disciple to the context of creating other disciples and utilizing the home as the centerpiece, people's houses, to create micro locations to start to gather them together. So instead of, in church homes context and they've not been the only one, Mech church is another one who is on this road, instead of trying to build more campuses and grow that way, they've gone to a digital approach utilizing homes to reach people, to disciple people and to grow people and to, for the point of multiplication to create a disciple who's capable of creating more disciples.

Jeff Reed: 23:38 Now what was interesting is, and this, this hit the news maybe six, nine months ago and we were actually talking about it on the call today, like when this came out Fox news was pushing articles, CNN, like here's a pastor who's like pastoring online, Judah Smith and I got to tell you from the church the response wasn't good. Instead of like honoring this guy for trying to experiment with something and doing something new. One tweet, and this is just one that stuck in my head. I don't know what the f bomb you think this is, but don't call it church. That's literally the tweet. And so, but this has been the attitude from the church in response to a guy who's trying to experiment. And what's funny, when you actually talk with the church, they'll even tell you, hey, what we're doing today, we may not do in three months.

Jeff Reed: 24:27 We're experimenting as we're going with this, instead of trying to figure out what the finish line is, we're just going to go, learn as we go in and adjust. And that's the thing that the church gets stuck with. The church needs to know for whatever reason. And I mean, I need to wrestle with this. The church needs to know the finish line before they go. Whereas any given corporation in America, Hey, let's go down this road. Let's see, and let's evolve. There's more freedom to kind of adjust. But we're too afraid of, and it just makes me wonder, like Acts 1, when Jesus left went away and the people prayed and they prayed continually, what if they were afraid? What if they didn't pray, would the Pentecost of Acts two have come? Would it have stopped right there because they didn't know what to do? Hey, the work is done. Jesus is done. That go make disciples. I don't know what that means. So we're just gonna stop. Right? Like, could you imagine if this church died right there before it even got started? Because they were too afraid to figure out what the next steps were.

Tom Pounder: 25:38 Yeah. Well, I listen, I agree with you 100%, it's so funny because as you're talking about when companies innovate and they try new experiments or try new things, they get applauded by people. Like, look what they're trying to do. Look at this great idea. But when the church tries to innovate, there's so many people, it's almost like the major league baseball, when Major League baseball tries to change a little bit, all the traditionalist, "No, you can't do this. That's not how it was supposed to be." And it's the same way with church. No, no. You can't go online. No, you can't do videos. No. And then it's like, oh, okay. It's not so bad after all. I mean, you know, it's this weird thing. And I think we've got to continue to push the envelope and who knows? Maybe it won't work, but if we never try, we're always gonna be wondering what if.

Jeff Reed: 26:30 Church, we've got to experiment. Yeah. I mean, just bottom line. What if Paul, hey, you know what, all these other people out there, I don't care. It's not my church. What if you didn't the missionary journeys? What if he didn't write the letters to travel along the Roman road? The most technological advanced thing in the time, by the way, the Roman road, when it was first built, what if he's like, you know what? Screw it. I really don't care. What if Martin Luther was like, hey, you know what? I'm not going to put this up on the, on the thesis. And by the way, those 95 thesis that he posted the a hundred thesis posted on the wall, he sent him to area towns as well. So the revival didn't just come out of his one church.

Jeff Reed: 27:14 It was surrounded areas because he cared enough about it to make sure, by the way, it was actually one of the first things printed on the printing press . Sent it around to others. Talk about another one. The printing press itself. Talk about an innovation. What if he's like, hey, you know what? I don't care about you all and what you need in the Bible, I'm just going to print for like my family and just walks away. No, he did a printing press so that everyone could have it. Billy Graham preached to a billion people at one moment, one message bounced around a bunch of satellites. Billy Graham hits a billion. What if Billy Graham's like, Hey, you know what? I don't care about the people in Africa, in Asia, in Europe. I don't even care about the people in Seattle or on the other side of the country.

Jeff Reed: 27:56 I'm just going to preach to my small little church here in North Carolina. Where would that leave us? Yeah. The fact is that we need people, we need churches to push, to be innovative, to ask questions, to challenge standard quo. We don't need incremental updates on platforms that already exist. If we want to reach new people, we need new methods. We need churches to step up and start to experiment in these areas, beyond something that some traditionalist is going to say, Hey, are we sure we want to do that? Yeah. It's, while traditionalists are challenging that, guess what, churches are out there and are being highly effective in reaching new people by doing something different.

Tom Pounder: 28:36 Right. No, that's exactly right. And I think as we kind of wrap up, I think you're exactly right. If, if we don't try, we're always going to fail. We're always going to be wondering what if in the, the best way we can reach more people and beyond Sunday morning is to try to innovate, be creative, invest in people. Those are all, that's always a great formula for success because again, it's kind of like back when you look, even at Rick Warren's, Purpose Driven Church, not Purpose Driven Life, but Purpose Driven Church. He talked about how the transition was you were sitting in pews at one point and now you're sitting in chairs. I mean, can you imagine if most of us were sitting in pews still, I mean that was just so uncomfortable, but we've got to change we got to innovate and if we want to reach more people in this day and age, we have to do that. All Right Jeff, well, it is always great to have you, well actually this is a combined podcast, so I'm on yours. Yours on mine. And so this is, it's always great talking to you, man.

Jeff Reed: 29:36 Yeah, we'll have to, we'll have to do this again. Next time though, you get irate about something on social media and I'll be like, hey, let's get together and blow off some steam and talk about it on a podcast. Okay, well, you know, I actually get irate all the time on social media so I can totally see myself doing this again about something. Honestly, next time, like something stupid happens in the cinematic universe or marvel and Spiderman actually goes back, then we can go back and talk about how smart a thing that was. But that day, sadly we'll probably never, ever, ever come.

Tom Pounder: 30:09 We can always hope, man. We can always hope.

Jeff Reed: 30:11 Always, always hope. Hey Tom, man, thanks for this. This was a great idea and I'm for it. By the way, my audience, if you've not hit up Tom Pounder, hit up to see the show notes and there's all sorts of links in there for that.

Jeff Reed: 30:24 And I'm sure Tom will probably have the same. On my side, but, this has been a great time. Appreciate the convo. So, hey audience, this is Jeff and we're gonna wrap the podcast right here. Episode 26 talking about Apple, Innovation and Discipleship. I hope it was worthwhile. Hope it was fun. Pray for me. I am still a struggling, recovering Apple fanboy who now needs another place to locate his fanboyism and so we'll have to just figure that out. I'll go out to ask my kids what the cool thing is right now just to kind of adopt that I guess, but hey, church in a serious note, it's time to find something new. The methods that we've been using have been reaching the same amount of people, the same number of people, the same type of people.

Jeff Reed: 31:13 And there are people who will not be reached with these methods. If we want to reach new people, we need new methods. It's time to expand our product line away from just Sunday morning and start to figure out how to be more effective, how to reach out and engage people in a different way where we are. The message, Christ, stays the same. The messaging, the method needs to change. So that's the challenge. Church, get out there, experiment and figure out what's next. Follow the ideas of the church homes or the Saddlebacks or the Elevations. There's so much of what we talk about on this podcast. And there's lots of excellent ideas that are out there, but the best idea is yet to been discovered. And right now it's out there in somebody's head saying, what if? And if that's you. And if you're saying that, what if step up and figure out how to do it. Let's go. Hey, this has been a great podcast and I am looking forward to what's next. We'll see you next time here at The Church Digital Podcast. Y'All have a good day.

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By Tom Pounder 10 Jul, 2024
Amid the Covid pandemic, reaching and guiding the younger generation demands innovative tactics, and Tiktok (now wildly popular since 2020) presents a game-changing opportunity for digital disciple-making. Let's leverage Tiktok to transform everyday moments into powerful spiritual opportunities and engage with younger people in ways they’ve maybe never experienced before, sparking spiritual growth in unexpected places.
Achieving Movement: The Heart of theChurch.digital
By Jeff Reed 09 Jul, 2024
Discover how theChurch.digital is revolutionizing the way we think about digital ministry and disciple-making! We're all about multiplying the gospel in every digital and metaverse space, helping ordinary people become extraordinary leaders. Join us to explore how to make disciples who grow into leaders, plant churches, start networks, and spark unstoppable movements. Ready to get involved in transforming the digital faith scene? Then this is for you.
Youth Ministry in a Digital World
By Tom Pounder 04 Jul, 2024
Ready to transform youth ministry in the post-Covid era? Join us as Steve Cullum expands on the current landscape of youth ministry and how we can empower teens and leaders. Discover valuable resources, connect with other youth workers, and learn digital tools to supplement your ministry. Whether you're in digital, phygital, or metaverse ministry, this episode has something radical for you!
5 Ways to Celebrate Freedom in Christ Online
By Tom Pounder 03 Jul, 2024
We have freedom in Christ and we are called to celebrate that daily.
Best Practices of Highly Effective Online Communicators
By Jim Tomberlin 02 Jul, 2024
Of the estimated 8,000+ multisite churches in North America, one third deliver their messages primarily by video, another third are hybrid delivering their messages with video and in-person, and one third deliver their messages primarily in-person. In addition, the majority of the 300K+ protestant churches across America offer some sort of church online experience. With this many churches using digital communication I reached out to Jason Morris, Product Manager at RESI, the leading all-in-one steaming service providers for churches to learn what he is seeing among online communicators. Here are some best practices we are seeing among churches for delivering digital sermons online. 1. Omit references to time, day, and weather. The most difficult thing is to remove all references to time of day, day of the week, and the weather. Avoid “tonight” or “Saturday.” Better to use words like “today” or “weekend.” 2. Avoid references to the worship team. References in the message to worship leaders or vocalists by name can be awkward or meaningless because they are different at the other locations. 3. Place the camera well. Position the camera where it is the easiest and most natural for the speaker to look into. Cameras positioned at eye-level are best for the communicator. Don’t make it awkward for the speaker by forcing them to crane their neck to peer into the camera or look up to a balcony above the main room. Use camera lights in a way so that the speaker will know which camera is the live camera. Sometimes it’s good to have an online camera that’s slightly off to the side of the stage. Make it easy for the speaker to look straight into the camera to address a campus or online audience like they were speaking to an individual. 4. Keep the camera shot tight. Stay with continual close-up headshots (video images need to feel larger-than-life), minimizing the number of full-stage and full-body shots. Avoid camera shots that remind viewers that they are not there, such as audience reactions, audience cut-away shots, or side-shots of the speaker. 5. Eyeball the camera. Looking directly into the camera makes a video audience feel included. As often as possible, it’s very powerful to look directly into the camera periodically near the beginning, during, and at the end of the message. Especially when addressing the online audience, off-site campuses and at drive-it-home moments, eyeball the camera. Here is a great example of looking into the camera like a pro from Michael Todd at Transformation Church. 6. Don’t divert viewers attention with distracting backdrops. Make sure the backdrop behind the speaker is not a distraction. Remove anything that’s not essential and keep it uncluttered and simple. 7. Include images and quotes that correspond with speaker references . Make sure the videocast includes anything the speaker references (For example: “That’s her picture you’re now seeing on the screen.”) Even better, make images a split screen or right two-thirds. Place quotes and key points on the right side or lower third of the screen. Don’t leave images or quotes up too long (10 seconds max). 8. Treat everyone as equals no matter where they are. Avoid words like “satellite” and “main” campus. They connote inequality. 9. Use inclusive language. When praying or making applications, include references to the people online and in off-site locations. Once in a message is all that’s needed to make hundreds of people sitting in an auditorium miles away to feel included in their own church. Replace geographically-bound phrases like “isn’t it great to be here!” (because some or maybe most are not) with something like “isn’t it great that we can gather as one church across our city, nation, world ...” Here’s some other tips to make everyone feel included: Look at the online chat before you get up to speak and greet people from online, even mention where they are watching from like you would another campus Digitize all calls to action so everyone can participate the same way... “Scan this QR code for the free ebook for more on this topic I’m speaking on” instead of “there’s books in the lobby” “Go to this link to sign-up” is better than “go to your campus lobby to sign up” 10. Smile as much as possible. Smiling helps connect you to your audience and keeps people engaged. Smile a lot and be sure to look into the camera when you tell a joke! 11. Speak to the primary online audience “before a live studio audience.” Effective online communicators today recognize their audience is bigger than the onsite room they are speaking in. Before recording or live-streaming the service from the broadcast location, invite the onsite audience to join you in engaging the larger online audience as a “streaming (or recorded) event before a live studio audience.” Make everyone in the room feel they are a part of something bigger than themselves. This will give you permission to look into the cameras instead of the onsite audience. Be mindful as you prepare messages that you are speaking to an audience that encompasses more than those in the room with you. They see you as their pastor and spiritual leader. They feel connected to you; they love you. They show up onsite and online because of the spiritual teaching they receive from you. Practice these habits and you will become a better and more effective digital communicator!  12. Make Sure Every Speaker Knows These Guidelines. Be sure to give these guidelines to any guest speakers so that they too can make the most of your church’s video delivery and also become better digital communicators!
5 Online Ministry Insights from June 2024
By Tom Pounder 27 Jun, 2024
The summer heat is an inferno right now. While the temperatures are hot, there is a lot happening in the digital and online ministry space. To help you keep up with all the new digital and online ministry trends and happenings, The Church Digital Podcast Network and Blogs had a bunch we loved to share in regards to all the latest trends in social media, live stream, digital discipleship and all things online ministry so that you can minister and serve your online community more effectively. Here are 5 online ministry insights and lessons learned from some of the podcasts released on The Church Digital Podcast Network and the blog from June 2024. Keys to Sharing Your Sermon Online Sermons and messages can be shared all over the world today through the power of technology. Because of this, it's important to make sure you are communicating effectively when you share your sermon or messages. These tips are just the starting point of what a ministry leader needs to do to effectively communicate online today. Online Pastoral Care is Possible In today's world, pastoral care can happen and is possible beyond in person. But how does it work? What tools can you use to help you schedule, meet up and encourage people in need of pastoral care? YouTube has Incredible Reach Potential YouTube is the second most powerful search engine second only to its parent company, Google. Because of its powerful reach, it can be used to encourage people in their faith and help people discover God. See how as Jeff and Tom talk about how Tom's Church is using it today. Digital Church Planting is Possible Church planting has been around since the beginning of Christianity. However, digital and metaverse church planting is still very new. In fact, there can still a lot of pushback of digital church planting, even in church planting communities. However, Jeff makes the case for digital church planting . See how you would like to learn about how you can be part of the digital Church movement . Async Your Church Before Covid hit, many churches were had only in-person gatherings and services. However, since 2020, more and more churches have increased their digital presence. Andy shares about how an async church model alongside physical meetings can richen the experience for all members moving forward.
How to Develop Community on Discord
By Tom Pounder 26 Jun, 2024
Community is a vital component to churches. It has been since the creation of the first Church in Acts 2. It is through community that people connect and can grow in their faith best. Traditionally, churches have used life groups, Bible studies, youth groups and other type groups to building those connections. While most of these groups usually happen in person, there are some great online opportunities as well. Building a strong online community is essential for Churches and ministries today as they seek to engage people who live locally and online effectively. One of those ways is Discord. Discord is a popular communication platform that offers a powerful set of tools for fostering meaningful connections and cultivating a thriving virtual community. How? So how does it work? How can you use Discord to build community? Here are some tips: Create Welcoming Channels. First impressions matter, so ensure your server has dedicated channels for newcomers. Set up a #welcome channel where new members can introduce themselves, ask questions, and receive a warm greeting. Additionally, have a #rules channel outlining your community guidelines to establish a positive and respectful environment. Encourage Engagement. Engage your Discord community by creating channels dedicated to different topics or interests. For example, you could have channels for prayer requests, Bible study discussions, event announcements, and casual conversations. In fact, it is good to have channels dedicated to things other than spiritual or faith pursuits. Having a variety of channels encourage members to share their thoughts, experiences, and insights fostering a sense of belonging and participation. Host Events. When you host regular events, such as online gatherings, livestreams, or Q&A sessions, you can help build anticipation and strengthen community bonds. You can use Discord's voice and screen-sharing features to host these events, allowing members to interact and connect in real-time. Utilize Roles and Permissions. Discord's role and permission system can help you organize your community and ensure smooth operations. Assign roles to members based on their interests, involvement levels, or responsibilities within the community. This not only helps manage access to specific channels but also fosters a sense of ownership and belonging to your channel. Celebrate Achievements. Recognize and celebrate the achievements and milestones of members in your community. Set up channels for sharing accomplishments, successes, or personal victories (especially those associated with spiritual next steps). This not only promotes a positive and supportive environment but also motivates people to actively engage and contribute. Encourage Respectfulness. Every community works best when peel respect and honor each other, even with opposite viewpoints. To help make this happen, you can create a team of trusted moderators. They will ensure a safe and inclusive environment within your Discord community. Clearly communicate community guidelines, and empower moderators to address any inappropriate behavior or conflicts promptly and respectfully. Conclusion By implementing these strategies, you can leverage Discord's full capabilities to build a thriving online community where members feel welcomed, engaged, cared for, and supported.  A strong sense of community not only fosters meaningful conversations and connections but also enhances the overall experience for everyone involved. Ultimately, it contributes to the growth and success of your Church or ministry.
Async and Your Church: What Do You Need to Know?
By Andy Mage 24 Jun, 2024
I'm not sure if you knew this, but async is not going anywhere. And YOU need a plan for your church to thrive in this. The rise of remote work and distributed teams has brought the concept of "async" (short for asynchronous communication) into the mainstream. But what does async have to do with your church? More than you might think! Embracing async principles can actually help create a more engaging and inclusive church experience. What is Async? In the workplace, async refers to communication that happens outside of real-time meetings or conversations. Someone sends a message, update or question, and others respond when they are able - not necessarily right away. This allows people to work on their own schedule while still maintaining team collaboration. But in the church? Just like work teams, churches are also made up of people with varying schedules and availability. An async approach recognizes that meaningful participation doesn't require everyone to be present at the exact same appointed time. It enables more flexibility while keeping people connected. Here are some ways churches can go async: Recorded Sermons & Services: You should already be doing this! Make high-quality recordings of sermons and services available online. Members can watch or listen on their own schedule and still be spiritually fed. Async Discussion Areas: Create online forums where people can asynchronously discuss sermon topics, scripture, prayer requests and more. This continues the conversation throughout the week. Discord, Facebook, Slack, Circle. All good spaces for this. Video Updates & Announcements: Communicate major church updates, announcements and prayer requests via video that members can watch whenever convenient. Put them on YouTube and allow commenting. If all of this sounds like something YOU want to work on, join me for our Asynchronous Learning Community starting in July 2024! While certainly not replacing the importance of gathering in-person, an async church model alongside physical meetings can richen the experience for all members. It's a way to enhance engagement and provide more access to the life-giving mission of your church.
How to Reach the Nones in Your Community
By Tom Pounder 20 Jun, 2024
How are you reaching the "nones" in your community? The "nones" are those who do not attend Church, nor do they have any interest in attending. Today, Mark MacDonald shares a few tips churches can implement to reach those in your local and online communities . Mark is a church branding strategist for BeKnownForSomething.com , a national church communication and branding agency, coaching pastors and thousands of churches to become relevant in their community. He is also a best selling author and has written over 800 magazine articles. Subscribe: Apple Podcast Android Spotify | RSS ACTION STEPS: Mark is a great resource. He’s on Twitter and has a great website with resources and great insights. Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group . To learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL ministers , not just church communicators or social media managers as we share resources, tools and digital trends to see how we can reach more people for Christ with these tools. Looking for Digital Ministry Coaching ? The Church Digital is offering a variety of digital, phygital or metaverse ministry coaching and cohorts. If you are in digital ministry, be part of the Digital Ministry Twitter Community . We share daily encouragement and support to help you do ministry in this online world more effectively. Sign up for the Sidekick Scoop Weekly Email . Each Friday get a fresh email with content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics) and be encouraged in how you can minister more effectively in today's world. If you have an idea for a topic or a person for Tom to interview for a future podcast episode, email here .
The Case for Digital and Meta Churches
By Jeff Reed 19 Jun, 2024
We're launching something different. The first of its kind, theChurch.digital will champion digital and meta church movements here in the US and around the world. theChurch.digital will champion movements of digital disciple-making , Digital/Meta Mission Field, and Digital Church. A network of networks, the focus of the Digital Church Network is to help any and everyone understand the opportunities and challenges of Digital and Meta spaces. Our heart, however, is a far more personal approach. Reaching the World, One Conversation at a Time The allure of digital is that it can reach massive numbers of people, easily. Thanks to smartphones and social media, each of us has the potential ability to reach thousands of people with these devices in our pockets. But as James 1 reminds us, we need to be more than hearers of the word. We must be doers in the real world as well. This is the multiplicative heartbeat of theChurch.digital. Helping digital churches move past a consumeristic approach towards a better understanding of disciple-making in digital and meta spaces . Let's stop deceiving ourselves. Starting Something Different, In Different Environments Is it better to have a million person church, or 100,000 churches of 10? I love this question, because I believe logic is truly tested on extremes. Let me pause and back up. I do not want to bemoan the current model of church. Our physical buildings and our broadcasting of church services online can be effective in reaching, connecting and discipling people. Researches show that active church involvement is down 25% over the past 25 years, so we can safely say that the physical model is losing effectiveness. Physical approach will continue to play a role for years to come. But we can no longer treat it as the only model of church. As culture shifts, so should the Church's strategies and tactics. Jesus is the same, yesterday today and forever. No one is arguing that. Our churches need to hold to the ecclesiology, the biblical standards in place. Digital/Meta Churches offer a chance to reimagine this ecclesiology for digital and meta spaces, for the purpose of reaching different people. Digital/meta churches must cling to the Bible as the guidelines for church. What is an essential ecclesiology for our churches, and what does it look like to map this essential ecclesiology across cloud services and the metaverse? This is the experiment that a digital/meta church planter gets to explore in the coming months and years. Reaching Different Types of People As controversial as the idea of digital and meta churches are, we cannot lose sight of this one fact, and this is validated from digital and meta churches around the world... Digital/meta churches are reaching a different type of person than our physical buildings are reaching. These digital/meta churches tell stories of reaching 80% atheists/agnostics , or 70% de-churched. I've heard stories of satanists coming to Jesus through relationships built in the metaverse. I've met the people who have found Jesus even though they swore they'd never go to a church building again. Remembering, though, our digital and meta churches cannot just stop with salvation. Discipleship, or should we say disciple-making (with an emphasis on action/multiplication), is a vital to starting movements in digital/meta spaces. Utilizing Different Methods of Discipleship It's this multiplicative approach to discipleship that is so crucial to the future of our churches. As the Great Resignation impacts our economy (pastors and churches included) more and more research is showing us that people, when they have spiritual questions, are not going to a paid pastor, a building, or a livestream for spiritual answers to those questions. These people with spiritual questions are going to their friends who they think have spiritual answers to these questions. The future of our church is not sermons blasted from microphones... it's empowering people, discipling them to have individual, spirit-led conversations as opportunities present, and intentionally pray for conversations to come. Here's what I've come to understand. Discipleship looks different, depending on the environments that discipleship is happening. Physical discipleship is definitely doable, but there are other ways as well. Discipling someone via Zoom, or on a Discord server? Well, this looks completely different than physical discipleship. What would a disciple-making multiplication movement look like in the metaverse? Honestly, this is one of the questions we want to answer! And while some of this is unproven on a large scale, we can state this as a fact... we're reaching and discipling a different type of person in these digital and meta environments than our buildings are discipling. Along that same path, we're now empowering a different type of leader. Empowering a Different Type of Leader Digital and meta churches often use a different type of leader than our physical buildings will utilize. This isn't that far of a stretch. These digital and meta churches reach a different type of person than our buildings reach, and they employ different methods of discipleship than our buildings utilize. So why wouldn't the discipleship process yield a different type of leader? Typically our physical buildings require a "catalytic leader", someone that can stand onstage and through their personal charisma lead hundreds or even thousands of people to action. Digitally, what we're finding is that charisma is often overstated in digital and meta spaces. What leads well is relational connection. Simply, charisma leads to consumerism. Relationship leads to action. Truthfully, recruiters or networkers often do very well in digital and meta spaces, and we've seen these types of leaders succeed in these unique environments. Another misconception is that the leaders do not have to be experts of the technology. Because of the relational nature of digital and meta environments, it's vital that these new leaders engage relationally. Most leaders, in fact, are not experts to the technology as much as natives in the technology. There are usually volunteers or part-time roles that become the technical experts. Digital or meta churches can be very technical. But they do not have to be. Through my own unscientific research, I've found that a larger-than-normal percentage of digital and meta planters are bi-vocational or co-vocational. Of the 200 some conversations I've had with people that are wanting to plant (or experiment) with a digital or meta church, 75% of them are interested in a bi-vocational or co-vocational ministry model. They're not looking to do ministry full-time in a physical church building, or even full-time online. They're looking to do ministry in addition to their job. Bivo/Covo is not a new approach in church planting, but what we're finding is bivo/covo support looks very different than supporting a typical church planter. Are you ready for something different? Are you interested in learning more about what it means to plant a Digital Church through the movement systems of theChurch.digital? If so, check out the Movement System and learn more.
Tools and Apps that Help Ministers Stay Productive
By Tom Pounder 13 Jun, 2024
As a ministry leader, it can often feel like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. Between sermon and message preparation, admin work, pastoral counseling, and community outreach, the to-do list can seem endless. However, leveraging the right digital productivity tools and apps can help you stay organized and maximize your time. Here are some tools and apps ministers can use to stay productive: Project Management Tools A good project management tool is essential for keeping you organized. In just one place you can have all your ministry initiatives, events, and tasks organized, not just for you to see but for your staff and key volunteers. Some of the popular options are apps such as Trello, Asana, and Monday.com. They allow you to create project boards, assign tasks with due dates, attach files, and collaborate with staffers and key volunteers. It really helps to keep you organized and prevents important details from slipping through the cracks. Note-Taking Apps Where do you put all your notes? Is there one central place or are they scattered on this notepad or that notepad? The reality is that inspiration strikes at different times. Whether it is a sermon illustration or ministry program idea that comes to mind or just notes you are taking for a meeting, you need a way to quickly write it down before it escapes your mind. There are great apps like Evernote, OneNote, and Google Keep that enable you to jot down notes, record audio clips, snap photos, and organize everything in an easily searchable way across all your devices. Cloud Storage In ministry, you constantly need to access, edit and share documents, media files, and other resources both individually and as a team. Cloud storage solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, Box and OneDrive keep everything centralized, backed up, and accessible from anywhere. If you need to give people access to see your documents or files, you can give permissions to others and let them collaborate on any file in real-time. Social Media Management Tools In today's world, it is important for Churches, ministries and ministry leaders to have an active presence on social media. Channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, YouTube and TikTok give you opportunities to engage your local and online communities. But, how do you create and share digital encouragement for each of these platforms? After all, manually creating posts for each platform is incredibly time consuming. The good news is that there are tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social that allow you to schedule updates across the multiple platforms from one simple interface. Check them out as they have a variety of free and paid price points. Conclusion As with anything, there is no silver bullet that will cure all your productivity needs. However, there are plenty of apps that can help you as you seek to minister to people today. Look over the different apps and be intentional about which ones you adopt. Then, configure them for your needs, and consistently use them as you seek to minister to more people.
4 Keys to Sharing a Sermon Online
By Tom Pounder 12 Jun, 2024
Sermons and messages from ministry leaders don't just have to be shared in person these days. In fact, they are often recorded at church live in video and audio formats to reach more people with the message of hope found in Christ. While people often take the sermon from the in-person church service to share online, these are not the only ways ministers can share about Christ today. Ministers can record shorter messages, devotionals and interviews of people sharing their faith stories. While anyone can record and share a video message, there are some tips that ministers can and should incorporate into them to make them more effective in the online environment. After all, communicating effectively on video platforms is a little different than sharing live, in person. So what can you do? What are some key points ministers should be incorporating into their message? Here are a few ideas: Prioritize Engagement Over Entertainment While it is important to keep their attention when teaching, the primary goal should be engagement, not entertainment. Make sure your message is theologically sound and practical as you ask thought-provoking questions and interactive with the people who are watching your message as you give them practical next steps they can take to grow in their faith. Keep engaging with them so they remain hooked on your message throughout the entirety of it. Maximize Eye Contact and Energy When preaching live, you feed off the energy of the room. With video, you have to manufacture that energy yourself. Look directly into the camera lens frequently to create the feeling of eye contact with viewers. Use passionate vocal inflection and animated gestures to keep people engaged. However, be careful not to go overboard to the point of theatrics. Share Compelling Stories Stories are powerful tools for illustrating key points of a message in a way that people can relate to and remember. Stories that often work best are personal stories as it makes you relatable and people can identify with you more. Hook Early and Often People often decide if they want to continue listening to a video within a few seconds. That is why it is important to hook them with a question or story early. But, you have to continue to keep them hooked as it is easy to tune out to a video you are watching. Continue to ask questions, share stories or ask them to comment on your video while you are sharing. The more you can keep them engaged and listening, the longer they will watch. Conclusion Giving the message and sharing the gospel is one of the most important things a minister can do. These four tips can help ministers maximize the effectiveness of their message on video platforms like online streaming, podcasts, and social media.
What's Happening with Ministry in the Metaverse?
By Tom Pounder 06 Jun, 2024
Ministry is happening in the Metaverse and VR. But what exactly? Stuart McPherson comes on the podcast to talk about what is happening and how churches can move forward with ministry in digital spaces like the metaverse. Check out Stuart’s Metaverse Learning Community with theChurch.digital. You can find Stuart's book, " Your Church In VR: How To Plant A Church In Virtual Reality " on Amazon. Subscribe: Apple Podcast | Android | Spotify | RSS ACTION STEPS: Share your thoughts! What do you think? Share below or on social media by connecting with Tom . If you want to connect with Stuart you can find him on Twitter/X . You can also check out his podcast " Metaverse Church " and his blog . Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group .To learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL ministers, not just church communicators or social media managers as we share resources, tools and digital trends to see how we can reach more people for Christ with these tools. Looking for Digital Ministry Coaching ? The Church Digital is offering a variety of digital, phygital or metaverse ministry coaching and cohorts. Just click here . If you are in digital ministry, be part of the Digital Ministry Twitter Community . We share daily encouragement and support to help you do ministry in this online world more effectively. Sign up for the Sidekick Scoop Weekly Email .Each Friday get a fresh email with content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics) and be encouraged in how you can minister more effectively in today's world. If you have an idea for a topic or a person for Tom to interview for a future podcast episode, email tom@thechurch.digital .
By Tom Pounder 05 Jun, 2024
Longer daylight, allergies and warmer weather. May really starts to amp up the summer vibes. As summer approaches, there has been a lot happening in the digital and online ministry world, as well. To help you keep up with all the new digital and online ministry trends and happenings, The Church Digital Podcast Network and Blogs had a bunch we loved to share in regards to all the latest trends in social media, live stream, digital discipleship and all things online ministry so that you can minister and serve your online community more effectively. Here are 5 online ministry insights and lessons learned from some of the podcasts released on The Church Digital Podcast Network and the blog from May 2024. Learn in Community There are lots of ways you can learn. One great way is to learn in community. the.Church.digital has two great opportunities for you to learn in community now. One is through Discord where online ministers from all different backgrounds get together to share insights, ask questions and build a community of ministry leaders. The other way is through Learning Communities starting in July. These communities are centered around a specific topic and can really help you grow in that specific area. Jeff and Andy talk about all learning community options in the podcast. Cybersecurity is ESSENTIAL for Your Church Over the years church security has been important. After all, you do not want to have people breaking into your Church building. However, in today's world, churches need to be protecting their digital and online "buildings" as well. See how and why it is essential for churches to embrace cybersecurity . There are MANY VR Volunteer Roles VR and metaverse ministry is still relatively new. However, as it continues to grow, there are volunteer roles that are necessary to help those looking to discover God there. Stuart talks to Christina, who is a volunteer with Fox River VR. She shares what it’s like to be a volunteer for a church in VR . Be FOCUSED In Your Digital Communications Being focused in your digital communications is so important these days. That is why Jeff Reed and Barbara Carneiro chat about the importance of clarity and language in ministry and digital communication . They talk about the need for individuals and organizations to have a clear vision and message that can be easily understood and shared while also discussing the challenges and opportunities of fundraising in ministry and the importance of storytelling in casting vision. Your Church SHOULD BE On YouTube Youtube is a powerful tool for your digital and online ministry. While there are many reasons how Youtube can work for your church , there are 3 big reasons why. Start experimenting today to reach that next generation for Christ.
4 Digital Tools That Help Enable Pastoral Care and Counseling
By Tom Pounder 04 Jun, 2024
Pastors and ministry leaders have many roles and responsibilities. While many roles seem to take higher priority, providing quality pastoral care and counseling is of significant importance. It's a real opportunity to minister and walk alongside people in the community and church as they experience life's joys and struggles. Ministers can care for them as they offer biblical wisdom, prayer, and support every step of the way. In today's world, having access to technology gives ministers and pastors powerful tools that can enhance and expand their pastoral care efforts. Here are four digital tools that will help enhance pastoral care and counseling opportunities for ministers today. Online Scheduling Tools To schedule appointments in the past, you would have to call the church office and schedule. However, with great apps like Calendly and AppointmentPlus, it provides Church attendees and people in the community to easily schedule appointments for themselves. It takes an extra step or two out of the old process and really streamlines the scheduling process. Video Counseling Platforms When Covid hit, it gave the world the chance to embrace digital tools to help communicate and build community. Zoom and video conferencing platforms really help people connect and it can help ministers connect with people needing counseling as well. This is really helpful for people who need to talk to a minster but are homebound or cannot make it to an in-person meeting. There are also great HIPAA-compliant platforms like BetterHelp and Faithful Counseling facilitate secure video sessions for pastoral/christian counseling. Prayer Team Support Pastors and ministry leaders are called to be prayer warriors. They are also called to empower others to be prayers warriors, as well. By setting up an email address like prayer@(yourChurch).com or a page on your website, you enable people needing prayer and support a place to go at any time, knowing that someone will be praying for them right then and there. Group Messaging Apps Sometimes pastoral care happens spontaneously and informally throughout the day. Setting up apps like WhatsApp, Signal, or other similar and secure group messaging apps make it simple to quickly send an encouraging Bible verse to someone who is in need of encouragement. You can check in on someone who is struggling, or rally friends to surround a member with prayer in their time of need. Conclusion While technology cannot replace the importance of in-person presence, these digital tools have the power to expand how ministers connect with congregations through pastoral care and counseling. See how leveraging a few to increase accessibility and impact.
Key Digital and Online Analytics to Track for Churches
By Tom Pounder 28 May, 2024
How do you know if you are being effective in your digital and online ministry? As churches seek to engage with and reach more people online for Christ, it's very important to be able to track the right analytics. After all, how can you possibly know you are being effective or not if you can't look over the numbers across your online platforms. By monitoring and keeping track of key social media metrics, you can better understand your audience, optimize your content strategy, and measure the impact of your efforts.
What Digital Discipleship Can Look Like at Your Church
By Tom Pounder 23 May, 2024
Digital Discipleship has grown leaps and bounds in recent years. And the future is bright for what lies ahead as ministers learn how to continue to use technology to disciples people. That is why DK Hammond is back on the podcast. Today, we talk about what you can do now and what are some of the more effective ways to disciple people digitally today.
Why Cybersecurity Matters for Churches
By Tom Pounder 22 May, 2024
Churches are increasingly using technology to connect with people, share resources, and facilitate ministry opportunities today. Anything from maintaining websites and social media presences to enabling online giving and storing data, the church's digital footprint continues to grow daily. While this is great, there also comes a new threat to the Church as a whole.
Why Riverside.fm is the Perfect Tool for Your Podcast
By Tom Pounder 21 May, 2024
Let's talk about what Riverside.fm is real quick. It is Zoom on steroids. Not only does it give you the option to record audio and video, the quality of those are fantastic. Much better than other platforms. And now, with the emergence of AI, it uses AI to create Magic Clips that at a tap of your mouse, they can create clips for you to share on all social media platforms in less than 5 minutes.
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