New Tech for a New Year of Ministry

Written by Tom Pounder | Jan 4, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Technology is always changing. It doesn't matter if it is major change, like a hardware set, or a minor change, like a software update, it is updating regularly. That is what makes the start of the new year so special as people expect new updates to their favorite tech devices. And, with CES happening at the beginning of January, there are bound to be even more new tech shared that will help you in your professional and personal life. 

So what are the new tech that are out now that you can check out and see how they help you as you enter another year in ministry? Here are 

 1. Smart Writing Pads. iPads and tablets are great tools to have to write and scribble notes but there are other options too. Ministers have also used them as they share their sermons. Add Remarkable to this list of smart writing pads. It is one of the more popular pads which have great battery life, has a lot of storage, syncs with popular cloud storage apps and is very affordable. Check them out to see if they can help you as you minister.

2. Smart Mug. We all know the frustration of having your cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa get cold and then you having to reheat it numerous times. It's annoying. However, a smart mug can keep your mug warm for hours on end. In fact, you can set and keep the temperature of your mug set at a certain temperature through your smartphone. It's a great way to have a warm beverage all day long. Ember is one of the more popular smart mugs on the market. 

3. Smart Glasses. These are not necessarily new, but they are becoming more mainstream. Years ago Snap introduced us to some with Spectacles and Google released Glass. While both are still around, they have failed to go mainstream. Now, however, other companies are working on them. Apple is reportedly working on a pair and Bose has a set of glasses, Bose Frames, that combine sunglasses and wireless headphones. More companies are experimenting with glasses, so 2023 might be the year they become more mainstream. Can smart glasses help you in ministry? Start exploring to see.

4. Face Tracking Phone Mount. With short form video content very popular now, this face tracking phone mount is great for recording yourself or others as you do videos. In fact, if you are not using short form video for ministry purposes yet, discover how Digital Missionaries can use TikTok (and other short form videos) to reach people for Christ here. But this face tracking phone mount allows you to place your phone in this mount and it will follow you if you move to the right or left while you share. You can find one on Amazon and here.

Every year technology is changing. Either something new will be released or an update to a current product will happen. All of these advancements are designed to help you in your professional and personal life. And, hopefully they can help you in ministry in some way so that more people can hear about Christ and their lives be changed for eternity.

What do you think? What are some other new tech that is coming out or getting an upgrade that you are excited for?  Share your ideas below or on social media.

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