How to Use Social Media to Build Brand Awareness for Your Church

Written by Tom Pounder | Jun 15, 2022 11:00:00 AM

 Brand awareness is often a term marketers use. Brand awareness is "the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services". And, according to a startupbonsai report, 69% of marketers use social media to build brand awareness. 

So, if marketers are using brand awareness for businesses, should Churches be posting brand awareness campaigns? The reality is that the term "brand awareness" is not used in ministry circles much because a Church is a Church, not a brand. But, is it not a brand? Does a Church not represent something? It should. Just like every brand, every Church is different and represents something different. Because of that, a Church can and likely should use social media to promote good will and brand awareness. 

But what does brand awareness for a Church or ministry look like? Here are a few examples:

  • Priorities of your Church. What does your Church stand for? What are you about? Post about them. 
  • Highlight what God is doing at your Church. You may be doing great things in your community and at your Church. Post about them so people can see what God is doing. Sharing how your Church or ministry is serving and helping the community in a positive way is a great way to create good will and positive brand awareness. 
  • Share life changing stories. Stories connect with people. They cause people to think and be encouraged. The more stories you can share of peoples lives being changed the better. Humans of New York does an amazing job of sharing life stories on social media. Capture the stories and share. 
  • Participate in Tends. TikTok is known for different trends but other social networks participate in them as well. Find out what is trending and make one to goes along with the trend, as long as it is appropriate. It is alright if it is a fun video. After all, not all your videos has to be spiritual. They can be fun, too and it can create good brand awareness for your Church. 

Brand awareness is not just a marketing term for businesses to use. It is something Churches can and should use, as well. People will most likely check out your Church online first before they come in person. That is why it is so important to create pieces of content that show what your Church is about. Tell the story of your Church, who it is for, what is it doing in the community and how are lives changing. The more we can do this, the more brand awareness you are creating. Which will hopefully lead people to check out and engage with your Church and Christ to see what you have to offer them for this present life and eternity.. 

What do you think? What are some other ways you can build brand awareness for your Church on social media?  Share your ideas below or on social media.

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