Clubhouse is the latest craze in Social Media. It’s composed of audio chat rooms that can be open or closed. This opens up fun possibilities for engaging in conversation online that are more personable than simply typing into the chat room. Clubhouse also enables the ability to host rooms that have a moderator who can help take questions from the audience in the room. Clubhouse is exclusively for iPhone for now, although there are plans to open it up to Android eventually.
Here are some easy ideas for how churches can use Clubhouse:
Clubhouse is exclusive for now. And while it’s rumored that Facebook will be creating a competitor soon, it’s ok to jump on the bandwagon while it's hot and see where it goes. The benefit of being an early adopter is that you get to reap the benefits of reaching the people who are first to the platform.
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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