If you’re streaming your church services or offering them on-demand, you may be wondering what is the next best way to actually engage with those who are watching your church on a regular basis. While the views may be good and hearing that people are watching is nice, we all need a way to take our digital footprint to the next level. We need to make sure we are actually engaging our audience. We need to offer spaces where conversation and those all-important next steps can take place just like a typical weekend service at a physical church. Churches in physical spaces typically leverage their lobby areas to make this happen. The church lobby is where people connect after receiving content via the stage decide to meet people, and actually engage with next steps at your church. While the lack of a physical space may seem daunting online, there are aspects to the church lobby that need to be cultivated in digital spaces.
A digital lobby strategy will help you connect with a broader audience and help decipher who is truly engaging with your services online. It can be your most effective tool in engaging with your congregation throughout the week. It is the bridge between anonymity to connectedness that brings Church Online full circle to helping people take their next steps in following Jesus.
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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