BETA16: Differences Between Physical & Digital (Clubhouse Edition)

Written by Jeff Reed | Mar 4, 2021 11:00:00 AM

We call it The BETA Show. Of course we're going to experiment... Here with THECHURCH.DIGITAL we have been testing the waters with this new Clubhouse platform, and unlike most social media, this seems to be a great opportunity to physically dialogue, to actually talk, with people. So, we're moving The BETA Show over to Clubhouse occasionally to see how the engagement is over on Clubhouse. Why Clubhouse? Jeff did a recent livestream over on Facebook about the potential of Clubhouse. Not on the platform? Hit us up and we'll try to send over an invite! Android users, and people who can't make the conversation in real time... the majority of conversations will be recorded and made available via The Church Digital Podcast feed, so make sure you're subscribed to that. We'll also have show notes here on The Church Digital Blog.

As we’re coming out of the COVID season and approaching the next normal, what is the role of digital? As we’re going back to our buildings, with hopes that eventually our people will return to the physical space, are there digital lessons that we should be bringing along?

What many churches have yet to realize is that digital ministry is different than physical ministry. Many churches are just doing digitally what they do physically… these are oftentimes the churches that are reporting burnout among staff and zoom fatigue among attenders.

So let’s pause here, and reflect… what is the difference between physical and digital? With a solid panel of pastors and ministry leaders recorded on Clubhouse, this is a great conversation with applications for your specific church! 

Like the BETA SHOW? Check out more episodes here.

Answering Your Questions: THE BETA SHOW

We need your help. Text your questions to 4THECHURCH (484/324-8724) and we'll answer them here on THE BETA SHOW. Seriously. Grab the phone. Text 484/324-8724 and tell us your questions. Where you're stuck. What questions you're asking of leadership. What questions leadership is asking of you... and let TCD help your church take some practical next steps, and give you some advice on how to BETA the situation at your church.

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Guest: Matt Welty
Crossroads Church
, Pastor of Technology
Facebook // Instagram

Guest: Stephen Smith
First Baptist Houston, Director of Multisite
Facebook // Instagram

Guest: Tyler Volkers, Digital Pastor
The Ridge Community Church, Wisconsin
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram // LinkedIn

Guest: Elizabeth Rios
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram

Host: Jeff Reed
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram // LinkedIn


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Love you all! Praying for your Churches and your Ministry Online.

Jeff Reed