Christmas gives Churches so many opportunities to minister and support people. The great news is that with digital tools and platforms you can do them throughout the month with just you leading them. There doesn't have to be a lot of high production into them for them to be effective.
So what are some digital Christmas activities your Church can do this year? Here are 4 ideas:
Christmas Music YouTube Playlist. Christmas music is really popular. People are always listening to music. So, create a Christmas Music Playlist on YouTube to get people in the mood. Include traditional hymns and more contemporary ones. Then, share it on all your social media channels to give people at your Church or in your ministry something positive and encouraging to listen to this Christmas.
Christmas Sing Along. This could be done in a variety of ways. It could be just a person with a guitar singing some Christmas worship songs for people watching. If you choose to do this, this could be done as a LIVE event on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter. OR, it could be a Zoom gathering where you invite people to sing along with a Worship Leader. It may not sound amazing but the experience of worshiping together would be good.
Christmas Zoom Game Night. This could be geared towards families. adults, students or children. You could do a variety of these. Create a 1 hour Zoom Game Night where you play Christmas themed games and trivia. To make it a little more fun, incentivize it by giving away a gift card or more.
Christmas Story Time. This would be perfect for a Children or Family Ministry Department to do. Set up a Facebook Live event where you read different Bible and Christian based Christmas stories. It doesn't have to be long (30 minutes would do), but have it in the early evening or Bedtime for little children. Then, read the story (bonus points for a great illustration book so you can show the children).
Christmas can be a great uniter. Christmas brings people together. These are just four ideas that you can do. And, you can do them at anytime leading up to Christmas. Some are good for families, some for friends and some for individuals. The more you mix it up, the more likely you are going to be able to connect with the different people from your Church and help provide a joyful experience this Christmas season.
What do you think? What other digital Christmas activities can you? Share your ideas below or on social media.
Also, if you are interested in being a Digital Missionary or want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, j oin the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!
What do you think? Share your ideas on Discord or on social media.
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