Unconventional Ministry

Written by Andy Mage | Apr 17, 2024 10:00:00 AM


Another heartwarming episode that you won't want to miss! Season 2, episode 8 is here! Ashley and Andy sit down with the inspiring Ken Arrington, who takes us on a deep dive into the true meaning of success, service, and spiritual freedom. Prepare to rethink everything you thought you knew about discipleship and ministry!

5 Key Takeaways to Enlighten Your Spirit:

  1. **Redefining Success**: Ken breaks down the stark difference between societal measures of success and how Christ might view our achievements. It's an eye-opener for anyone feeling caught in the rat race.
  2. **The Power of One**: Discover the profound impact of focusing on individual transformations, as Jesus did, rather than getting lost in the numbers game. Ken's storytelling will transport you right into the scenes of history and ministry.
  3. **Online Ministry Excellence**: Andy shares a slice of the digital church world, and Ken weighs in on how authentic connections and discipleship can thrive online, just like the apostle Paul's letters did in ancient infrastructure.
  4. **Action Over Words**: We unpack the importance and effectiveness of demonstrating Christ's love through actions—sometimes without even mentioning His name. Ken's missionary experiences and Ashley's work with trafficking victims underscore this powerful approach.
  5. **Surviving and Thriving Amidst Adversity**: Ken shares his personal journey of addiction, loss, and spiritual awakening, revealing how challenges can lead us to a place of deep faith and understanding.

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