20 Spring Time Social Media Posts Your Church Can Share

Written by Tom Pounder | Apr 2, 2024 10:00:00 AM

The Spring brings a fresh start and new opportunities for your Church and ministry. This is not just for in-person opportunities but for online and social media opportuniteis, as well. 

So, what can you do this Spring on social media for your Church or ministry? Here are 20 social media posts you can share that will encourage people in their faith and engage them in positive ways. 

    1. Do you have any spring time traditions? What are they?
    2. Which outdoor activity are you most excited to do this spring? 
    3. "Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone." — Zechariah 10:1
    4. Spring Break Getaway or Spring Staycation? What are you doing?
    5. What book is on your list to read during the next rainy spring day?
    6. What’s your favorite thing to do with the extra daylight during spring?
    7. What temperature does it have to be before you ditch the winter coat?
    8. "Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps." — Psalm 85:11-13
    9. What spring cleaning do you need to do in your faith this year?
    10. Post Mother's Day or Father's Day recipes 
    11. How can you honor your mom this year for Mother's Day?
    12. How did your mom encourage you in your faith growing up?
    13. How can you honor your day this year for Father's Day?
    14. How did your dad encourage you in your faith growing up?
    15. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." — Romans 15:13
    16. What’s your favorite thing to do outdoors in spring?
    17. What’s your favorite flower or plant?
    18. What’s your favorite springtime activity?
    19. "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." — Lamentations 3:21-23
    20. What Bible study or Bible reading plan are you doing this Spring?


There is always a lot of excitement that comes with Spring, especially if the winter was hard and cold. Use this time of year to actively engage people at your Church and in your community. The more you can engage them in conversation, the more likely these questions can ultimately lead to deeper spiritual conversations. 

What do you think? What other Spring themed social media posts can your Church do?  Share your ideas below or on social media. 

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