PODCAST 072: Greg Atkinson - Physical Church, Church Online, & Why The Toothpaste Won't Go Back in the Tube

Written by Jeff Reed | May 14, 2020 11:00:00 AM


If there's a lesson the church needs to learn in this Global Pandemic: Physical Church & Church Online need to learn to play together nicely. In the pre-COVID season of our life (that was merely two months ago) Physical Church was king of the hill, leaving Church Online as the red-headed stepchild. In the midst of COVID, Church Online is the only game in town as the Physical Church doors are literally locked, and let's be real... no one knows what's coming next.

What we do know is there's digital fatigue, which is understandable. We, humans of 2020, are both physical and digital people, and we need to exist physically as well as digitally. We're using our proverbial digital passport daily... Zoom calls, Netflix... but we're showing fatigue not because we're annoyed with digital, but because there's no physical in our lives.

This is the conversation we're having with Greg Atkinson. Greg was one of the early pioneers of Church Online, and a guy who has seen his share of changes within the church. A man who's literal job is to help churches do physical church better, but also being one of the earliest supporters of the Church Online movement, Greg provides a unique perspective of how physical and digital need each other in order to survive post-COVID.

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Guest: Greg Atkinson
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Host: Jeff Reed
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Co-Host: Rey DeArmas
Christ Fellowship Miami Online
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Love you all! Praying for your Churches and your Ministry Online.

Jeff Reed